Takeshi Yoshitomi
Professor,Department of Ophthalmology,
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the 71st Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology which will be held in Tokyo from October 12 to 15,2017. I have the honor to serve as president.
The theme of the congress is “Ophthalmology,the Next Generation.” Our hope is that the Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology,with its long history,will provide an opportunity for study for the young ophthalmologists who will take on responsibility in the future of ophthalmology in Japan.
Invited lectures are given by Professor Steven D. Schwartz (Diabetic Eye Disease and Retinal Vascular Center,Jules Stein Eye Institute) and Professor Joseph Caprioli (Glaucoma Division,Jules Stein Eye Institute). I anticipate that they will have many useful things to say to us in their respective fields. Special lectures are given by Professor Goji Tomita (Toho University Ohashi Medical Center) and Professor Osamu Mimura (Hyogo Medical University) to give special lectures,and look forward to hearing these two renowned leaders talk about their areas of expertise. These lectures will be translated in English simultaneously.
For the four president’s symposia,we are planning cross-sectional symposia. The field of ophthalmology is becoming ever more specialized,and I believe that opportunities for discussion that cut across various ophthalmological subfields are extremely valuable. I hope they will provide venues for doctors in a wide range of different fields to study the latest information in areas other than their own.
We believe that participants from overseas will be satisfied with our programs.
The Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology has been growing larger every year,and has now reached such a size that it exceeds the capacity of the Tokyo Forum alone. We have therefore added another venue,the JP Tower Hall & Conference,which is linked to the Tokyo Forum by an underground passageway. Moving between these venues entails passing through a downtown shopping and restaurant district,and I hope that participants will enjoy not only the congress but also the walk between the two venues.
All of the organizers are united in our efforts to ensure that participants will be satisfied with the congress,and we hope that as many people as possible will attend. We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Tokyo.
Department of Ophthalmology,
Akita University Graduate
School of Medicine,
1-1-1 Hondo, Akita
c/o Congress Corporation
Kohsai Kaikan Bldg. ,
5-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo,102-8481, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5216-5318
Fax: +81-3-5216-5552