About COI

Conflict of Interest (COI) Declaration & Disclosure

The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy has implemented the guidelines on conflicts of interest since 20th April 2015. The regulations require a first author of an abstract of an annual meeting to submit a self-declaration form if a conflict of interest relevant to the abstract exists, and to disclose the COI on the day of presentation.

Persons who need to declare / disclose a conflict of interest

All first authors of abstracts to be presented in an annual meeting (including speakers from overseas, speakers of luncheon seminars)

Time period to be covered by declaration / disclosure

Last 3 years (From 1st January, 2016 to 31st December 2018)

How to determine an existence of a conflict of interest

If the content of a presentation is related to a corporate profit, and an author of the presentation has received any economic benefits from the company as far back as 1 (one) year before the date of an abstract submission, this presentation / abstract is judged to have a conflict of interest. The author of such a presentation / abstract is required to submit a COI self-declaration form.

Disclosure of a conflict of interest

On the day of presentation, all speakers are asked to include in their presentations a disclosure statement regarding the existence of any conflict of interest, and name(s) of company / companies, if any conflict of interest exists.

Oral presenters: Please add a disclosure statement in the second page of presentation slide. Poster presenters: Please write a disclosure statement in the last part of the poster.


QWho needs to declare conflicts of interest?
All presenting authors of an annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy.
QDo all the authors of an abstract need to declare conflicts of interest?
Only presenting authors need to make a declaration. Co-authors do not need.
QWhat must be declared as a conflict of interest?
Under the Society's guidelines, a conflict of interest exists when a presenter
  • is appointed as a board member or an adviser, or starts working as an employee of a company, legal entity, or commercial organization,
  • has stock in a company,
  • receives patent royalty from a company, legal entity, or commercial organization,
  • receives from a company, legal entity, or commercial organization, a per diem (including lecture fee) for participating in a meeting, delivering a presentation or lecture in a meeting, or appearing in the media,
  • receives from a company, legal entity, or commercial organization, fee for writing, editing, or overseeing the writing of a leaflet or a production of video,
  • receives expenses for medical researches (including clinical trials) provided by a company, legal entity, or commercial organization,
  • receives research expenses (including funded research, collaborative research, donation) provided by a company, legal entity, or commercial organization,
  • is appointed as a chair of a course endowed by a company, legal entity, or commercial organization,
  • receives other travel expenses (for participation in a conference) or gifts.
QWhat time period is covered by declaration / disclosure?
Last 3 years (From 1st January, 2016 to 31st December 2018)
QIs the amount to be declared the sum total of whole three years? Or to be declared annually?
QCould donations to an institution or organization to which authors belong be a conflict of interest?
Yes, it is the item to be declared / disclosed.

Sample Slides

  • coi01
  • coi02

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