Abstracts should be submitted using the submission format. Please download this abstract submission form at the bottom of screen and send us the completed form to jsp2016@congre.co.jp by e-mail.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015 to Thursday, 3 December 2015, noon
Tuesday, 22 December 2015, noon *Abstract Submission period is extended.
The first authors must be the member of the Japanese Society of
Pathology if submitted from domestic institutions but those from
international institutions may not be necessarily the member of the
society. You may inquire the membership to he Japanese Society of
Pathology Secretariat Office.
You may find the contact details at the bottom of the screen.
*Except "Poster presentation (Undergraduate students)"
(Those who are applying for membership must enter "99" in the "Membership Number" box.)
1. Presentation Style
1.Oral presentation
2.Poster presentation
3.Poster presentation(Undergraduate students)
4.Poster presentation(Trainee)
2. keyword
keyword 1 * |
Diagnostic pathology / Human pathology |
Experimental pathology |
Others |
keyword 2 * |
Interdisciplinary pathology |
Systemic diseases |
Oral cavity・Head and neck・Salivary glands |
Heart and vessels |
Respiratory tract |
Mediastinum・Thymus |
Serosal membranes・Mesothelium・Somatic cavity |
Upper gastrointestinal tract |
Lower gastrointestinal tract |
Liver |
Biliary system |
Pancreas |
Breast |
Endocrine organs |
Urinary system |
Male reproductive organs |
Female reproductive organs |
Central nervous system |
Peripheral nervous system |
Bone and soft tissue・Locomotor organs |
Blood・Bone marrow |
Lymph nodes |
Spleen |
Skin |
Sensory organs |
Pediatric pathology |
Others |
keyword 3-1 * |
Neoplastic diseases |
Inflammatory diseases |
Infectious diseases |
Chronic progressive diseases |
Circulatory failure・Circulatory disturbance |
Metabolic disorder・Degenerative disorder |
Transplantation pathology |
Intractable and rare diseases |
Congenital disorder・Developmental anomaly |
Radiation injury |
Autopsy |
Cytodiagnosis |
Intraoperative consultation |
Differential diagnosis |
Immunohistochemistry・Diagnostic molecular pathology |
Classification of Diseases |
Evaluation of treatment effects・Therapeutic strategies |
Epidemiology・Statistics |
Image analysis・Novel technology |
Information technology・Bioinformatics |
Education・Medical staff |
Quality control |
Work-life balance |
Chromosomal abnormality・Hereditary diseases |
Animal disease models |
Genetic risks・Environmental factors |
Genetic mutation・Carcinogenesis |
Gene expression・Epigenetics |
Signal transduction・Cell proliferation・Cell cycle |
Cell death・Cell damage・Senescence |
Invasion and metastasis |
Cancer microenvironment・Cancer stem cells |
Cancer cellular characteristics |
Cancer immunology |
Diagnostic markers・Tumor markers・New therapies |
Cell biology・Molecular imaging |
Cell differentiation・Regenerative medicine |
Development and developmental abnormalities |
Immunity・Inflammation |
Others |
keyword 3-2 for Second Choice |
3. Title
The title must be given in English. Maximum number of characters
English: 100 characters
*A title containing more than the maximum number of English characters cannot be registered.
4. Abstract Body
Only abstracts in English will be accepted.
Maximum number of characters: 1040
5. Co-author(s) / affiliation(s)
Co-author(s): Up to 10 persons including the first author
affiliation(s): up to 10 places
Use this page abbreviations for affiliated institutions.
6. Selection of non-invited speakers
*Selection of non-invited speakers and style of presentation will be at the discretion of the President.
An e-mail will be sent informing you whether your presentation has been selected or not.
The date and time of the session you will present will be uploaded to this website.
Please download this abstract submission form and send us the completed form to jsp2016@congre.co.jp by e-mail.
19F, Sendai Daiichiseimei Tower Bldg.,
4-6-1 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0811 Japan
Phone:+81-22-723-3211 Fax:+81-22-723-3210
1-2-5 Yushima, Seidomae Bldg. 7F Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034 Japan
Phone: +81-3-6206-9070 / FAX: +81-3-6206-9077
E-mail: jsp-admin@umin.ac.jp