General Information |
Registration |
1. |
Registration Hours |
Date |
Time |
Venue |
Dec. 5 (Thu) |
17:00-18:00 |
Hakata Hyakunengura |
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
8:20-17:30 |
Centennial Hall 1F |
Dec. 7 (Sat) |
8:20-11:00 |
Centennial Hall 1F |
2. |
How to Register |
a) |
Participants who have pre-registered |
At the conference, please bring the printed confirmation sheet to the Registration Area to receive a conference badge and an abstract book. |
b) |
Participants who will register on-site |
On-site registration is available at the Registration Area. Payment of the registration fee is by CASH ONLY. Please complete the registration form that can be found at the Registration Area. |
Category |
Registration Fee |
Registration Fee |
¥ 35,000 |
Accompanying Person |
¥ 10,000 |
Medical Students and Junior Residents |
Waived |
The registration fee includes:
1. Admission to all scientific programs
2. Admission to the exhibition
3. Admission to the Welcome Reception |
The registration fee for accompanying persons includes:
1. Admission to the exhibition
2. Admission to the Welcome Reception |
c) |
Registration for Medical Students and Junior Residents |
Registration fee of the JTCOHNS 2019 is waived for Medical Students and Junior Residents (residents <2 years after graduating medical school). Please print out the registration waiver form from the website and e-mail the scanned form to the conference secretariat (15jtcohns@congre.co.jp) by November 20. Do not forget to register online as medical students and junior residents, along with a separate payment for the gala dinner if you plan to join. |
3. |
Conference Badges |
Conference badges MUST be worn by registrants to gain admission to all sessions and programs. |
Social Events |
JTCOHNS 2019 participants are invited to attend social events to meet and enjoy the company of fellow attendees. The Welcome Reception is open to all attendees while reservation is required for the Gala Dinner. |
1. |
Welcome Reception |
Date & Time: Dec. 5, 18:00-20:00 |
Venue: Hakata Hyakunengura |
Style: Standing buffet party |
2. |
Gala Dinner |
Date & Time: Dec. 6, 19:00-21:00 |
Venue: Hotel Okura, 4F HEIANⅢ |
Style: Seated Dinner |
Gala Registration: Reservation required. |
At the Gala Dinner, enjoy your meal while being entertained by a special local music group, "The Pure Heart," composed of members including Down Syndromes or other developmental disabilities. "The Pure Heart" performs to let us know the importance of challenging for a dream regardless of who they are. They will surely impress you. |
Services for Participants |
1. |
Photocopy, Fax |
Photocopies: Convenience Store (FamilyMart), Outpatient Ward 1F (Kyushu University Hospital) or in front of the main gate of the hospital. |
2. |
Cloakroom |
Date |
Time |
Venue |
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
8:20-18:30 |
Entrance, 1F |
Dec. 7 (Sat) |
8:20-12:00 |
Entrance, 1F |
3. |
Commercial Exhibition |
Exchange Lobby 1F |
Date |
Time |
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
8:50-18:00 |
Dec. 7 (Sat) |
8:50-11:40 |
* The poster exhibition is in the same hall. |
4. |
Lunch Box |
Complimentary lunch boxes will be served in the luncheon seminars. First come first served basis. |
5. |
Photography and Recording |
Recording by any means (photographing, audiotaping, videotaping) of any presentation/session is prohibited, except by an authorized photographer or by First Authors who wish to photograph their own poster presentation. |
6. |
Shops and Restaurants |
Century Café by LUIGANS is located in Centennial Hall.
Also several shops, restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores can be found in Kyushu University Hospital. |
7. |
ATM is located in Outpatient Ward 1F (Kyushu University Hospital).
Nishi-Nippon City Bank / Bank of Fukuoka / Japan Post Bank |
Instructions for Moderators and Speakers |
For Moderators |
1. |
Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of your session and take the designated moderators’ standby seat. |
2. |
Moderators are requested to manage the discussion time within which allotted for the session and each presentation. |
For Speakers |
1. |
Please visit the PC Preview Center at 1F lobby no later than 30 min prior to your presentation in order to preview and submit your presentation. |
2. |
For oral presentations, only Windows and Macintosh computers (single screen only) are supported. |
3. |
Overhead and slide projectors are not available. |
4. |
Supported OS and applications are as follows: OS: Windows 10
Applications: PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 Please bring your own laptop if your presentation was created using a Macintosh. |
5. |
The duration of oral presentations are 7minutes, with a 3 minute Question and Answer portion. |
File Management |
1. |
Please create your presentation file using PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019. If your presentation is made using a Macintosh, bring your own laptop. |
2. |
To prevent display problems, use standard OS fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, Arial Black, Arial narrow, Century, Century Gothic, Courier, Courier New or Georgia. |
3. |
The screen resolution is XGA (1072 x 768 pixels). Sizes bigger or smaller than this may degrade the display quality. |
4. |
The format for your presentation file title should be “your presentation code_your name.ppt”. (ex: Symposium 01_John Smith.ppt) |
5. |
There is no size limit for your presentation file. However, we recommend bringing your own laptop if your presentation file exceeds 800 MB. |
6. |
If using audio or video in your presentation, we recommend bringing your own laptop. The recommended format for video files is WMV which can be played by both Windows Media player and QuickTime. |
7. |
Keep all data files in one folder, including any linked reference files such as images. |
8. |
After saving your presentation file on the appropriate medium, do test runs on another computer to make sure it works normally. |
For Presenters Who Prefer to Using Their Own Laptop: |
1. |
Make sure to bring your AC adaptor. A D-sub 15 pin (mini) cable is provided. Some laptops require a separate connector. Please bring your own connector if needed. |
2. |
Fukuoka has a voltage of 100V and 60 Hertz frequency. Japanese electrical plugs have two, non-polarized pins (Type A). Please bring your plug adapter if needed. |
3. |
Switch off screen savers, power saving settings, and disable login passwords if any. |
4. |
Make sure to bring a back-up of your presentation file using separate storage media. |
PC Preview Center: |
1. |
Please submit your presentation file at PC Preview Center located at the 1st floor. |
2. |
Data Submission Schedule: |
Date |
Time |
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
8:20-17:30 |
Dec. 7 (Sat) |
8:20-11:10 |
PC Preview Center is expected to be crowded on the morning of Dec. 6. In addition, we recommend speakers presenting on the morning of Dec. 7 to submit their presentation file on the afternoon of Dec. 6. |
3. |
Presentation files should be submitted via USB flash memory or CD-R. |
4. |
If bringing your own laptop, connect it to the preview monitor and check that your presentation is displayed on the external monitor. Note that display settings may vary depending on device OS. |
5. |
If submitting data via CD-R, use only hybrid format (ISO9660) to write to CD. Avoid using special features such as packet write to prevent potential reading problems. |
6. |
To prevent the possible spread of computer viruses, always scan your presentation files beforehand with updated anti-virus software. |
7. |
Any copies of your presentation file submitted to the secretariat will be deleted after the conference. |
What to do after submitting your presentation file |
1. |
Please be seated at the speaker’s standby seat during the presentation before yours. |
2. |
A mouse and keypad will be available on the podium table for your use during your presentation. |
Guidelines for Poster Presentation |
1. |
Each poster presenter will be provided with a 210 cm x 90cm poster board. The total usable area excluding your poster title and information is 180cm (h) x 90 cm (w). Your poster must not exceed the usable area dimensions. Your poster number will be designated by our staff. Please prepare your presentation information (poster title, affiliation, author name) and presentation material by yourself. |
2. |
The ribbon must be worn during the presentation/discussion hours. |
3. |
Your ribbon and pins will be on your poster board. Do not use foam core or any thick or multi-layered materials. Do not use adhesives (glue, tape, spray adhesives, Velcro, etc.) directly on the poster panels. |
4. |
Please be in front of your poster during the presentation/discussion hours. |
that odd numbered abstracts will start their presentation/discussion in the first half hour, while even numbered abstracts will start their presentation/discussion during the second half of the hour. |
5. |
The assigned timetable for registration, set up, presentation/discussion, and removal is shown below. All posters left after the removal hours will be discarded by the conference staff. |
Dec. 6 (Fri) |
Registration/Set-up |
9:00-11:00 |
Presentation/Discussion *ODD NUMBER |
14:20-14:50 |
Presentation/Discussion *EVEN NUMBER |
14:50-15:20 |
Removal |
17:10-18:00 |
Host Organization |
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
3-1-1, Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
TEL: +81-92-642-5668 FAX: +81-92-642-5685 E-mail: 15jtohns@med.kyushu-u.ac.jp |
Congress Secretariat |
c/o Congress Corporation
1-9-17 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001, Japan
TEL: +81-92-716-7116 FAX: +81-92-716-7143 E-mail: 15jtcohns@congre.co.jp |
Copyright © 15th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. All Rights Reserved. |