




  • 一般演題と、シンポジウム(公募/一部指定)の演題を英文抄録で募集します。
    講演形態 タイトル 発表言語
    General Presentation


    シンポジウム 1


    Inherited arrhythmia syndromes: from bench to bedside 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 2


    Regenerative medicine and arrhythmias 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 3


    Ablation strategy of long-standing persistent Afib 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 4


    Fighting with 'Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmia' 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 5


    Reduction in the radiation exposure in non-pharmacotherapy of cardiac arrhythmias 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 6


    Anticoagulation therapy to prevent embolic strokes 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 7


    Risk assessment and prevention of sudden cardiac death 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 8


    Approach to CRT Non-responders 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 9


    Role of new defibrillation devices 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 10


    How to use remote monitoring 座長の言葉 英語
    シンポジウム 11


    Non-pharmacotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias in pediatric patients 座長の言葉 英語
    日本不整脈心電学会事務局 FAX:03-3219-1955 Eメール:office@jhrs.or.jp
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Inherited arrhythmia syndromes: from bench to bedside

清水  渉 (日本医科大学大学院医学研究科 循環器内科学分野)
Wataru Shimizu (Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School)

Inherited arrhythmia syndromes account for approximately 10% as a cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in Asian countries, which include congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS), Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, short QT syndrome, and early repolarization syndrome. Since SCD in inherited arrhythmia syndromes develop generally in young to middle age, it is of particular importance in health policy to reveal its pathophysiology and to prevent SCD. Over the past two decades, molecular genetic studies have established a link between a number of inherited arrhythmia syndromes and mutations in genes encoding for ion channels or other membrane components. In some inherited arrhythmia syndromes such as congenital LQTS, genotype-phenotype correlation has been fully investigated, and attributable to risk stratification as well as genotype-specific therapy in individuals. Recent advances of molecular genetics includes genome-wide association study (GWAS) using gene array and whole exome and whole genome study using next generation sequencer, which are promising tools for identifying new candidate gene responsible for inherited arrhythmia syndromes. In this symposium, expert physicians and researchers are welcome to present their own experience and provide a comprehensive discussion for the growing cutting-edge of SCD due to inherited arrhythmia syndromes.

Regenerative medicine and arrhythmias

福田 恵一 (慶應義塾大学医学部 循環器内科)
Keiichi Fukuda (Department of Cardiology Keio University School of Medicine)

Ablation strategy of long-standing persistent Afib

高橋  淳 (横須賀共済病院 循環器内科)
Atsushi Takahashi (Cardiovascular Center, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital)

Pulmonary vein isolation is the cornerstone technique of atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation, particularly for paroxysmal AF. On the other hand, in patients with persistent AF, the success rate of pulmonary vein isolation alone is substantially low. To improve the outcome of ablation in persistent AF, several additional ablation strategies, such as linear ablation or complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) ablation have been explored. The STAR AF-II trial indicated that additional CFAE or linear ablation following pulmonary vein isolation increases the procedural time and does not improve the ablation outcomes in patients with persistent AF. However, patients with persistent AF lasting less than 1 year were included in this trial. Recently, specific substrate modification strategies targeting rotors or low-voltage areas for persistent AF have produced encouraging early results but need to be verified in further studies. Therefore, ablation of long-standing persistent AF is still challenging.
In this symposium, we discuss the efficacy and limitations of different ablation strategies for long-standing persistent AF.

Fighting with 'Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmia'

青沼 和隆 (筑波大学医学医療系 循環器内科)
Kazutaka Aonuma (Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)

Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) either with or without underlying heart disease has been demonstrated to be treatment refractory and demonstrated to have poor prognosis.

The implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) became to be the standard therapy to prevent sudden cardiac death in those patients; however, those malignant ventricular tachy-arrhythmias has been shown to have still poor prognosis when frequent shocks of ICD were observed.

Several studies have been shown that the ablation of the arrhythmogenic substrate of VT/VF could reduce or prevent the recurrence of ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation in those patients; however, there are many hidden truth to be elucidated.

More recently, stellate ganglion block, which pain physician and/or anesthesiologists routinely perform for the treatment of painful upper extremity sympathetic dystrophy, has been successfully used to the patients with refractory and intractable ventricular tachy-arrhythmias.

Major reasons to have difficulties to treat are that truth of both the basic and the clinical background of the malignant refractory ventricular tachy-arrhythmia remains unknown. The reasons to be clarified are those the lack of true knowledge of the underlying mechanism of VT/VF, the lack of true understanding of 3D arrhythmogenic substrate to maintain VT/VF, the lack of real evaluation of the ablation sizes, and the lack of the true evaluation of the influences of the autonomic tone, etc.

In this symposium, we are delighted to have mostly updated researches to address those questions adequately from both the clinical and the basic fields.

Reduction in the radiation exposure in non-pharmacotherapy of cardiac arrhythmias

夛田  浩 (福井大学医学系部門病態制御医学講座 循環器内科学分野)
Hiroshi Tada (Department of Cardiovasucular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui)

Ionizing radiation exposure has deterministic effects (e.g., skin injuries, cataracts, etc.) and a long-term cancer risk. Therefore, all physicians have the responsibility to balance the radiation exposure versus the diagnostic and therapeutic gain of the imaging (‘justification’), and to minimize the hazard of a radiation risk to their patients, other staff members, and themselves (‘optimization’). Cardiac electrophysiologists have an exposure per annum two to three times higher than that of diagnostic radiologists. The radiation doses can range from an equivalent of 1–60 milliSievert (mSv) around a reference dose average of 15 mSv (corresponding to 750 chest X-rays) for a cardiac radiofrequency ablation procedure. The reference dose for a regular pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation is 4 mSv (range 1.4-17) and 22 mSv (range 2.2-95) for a cardiac resynchronization therapy implantation. Doses on the order of a magnitude of 10-100 mSv correspond to a low (albeit definite, not negligible) additional lifetime risk of fatal and non-fatal cancer from between 1 in 1000 (10 mSv) to 1 in 100 (100 mSv). The system and workflow adaptations, use of shielding measures, and use of advanced, non-fluoroscopic imaging techniques can reduce the radiation exposure.
This symposium focuses on methods and techniques to ‘optimize protection’ for patients and operators during non-pharmacotherapy of cardiac arrhythmias. We hope that this symposium will help all the electrophysiologists to reduce the radiation exposure by more than an order of magnitude.

Anticoagulation therapy to prevent embolic strokes

山下 武志 (公益財団法人 心臓血管研究所)
Takeshi Yamashita (The Cardiovascular Institute)

Numerous progresses have been made in anticoagulation therapy to prevent strokes in recent years and greatly improved our clinical practice particularly in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). These included (1) AF patient stratification with risk scores, (2) development of innovative tools of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), and (3) large-scale clinical trials with warfarin and DOACs. More recently, “real world data” has been rapidly accumulated to extrapolate the efficacy under clinical trials to the effectiveness under real world. The information has much contributed to the wide and rapid prevail of effective anticoagulation therapy for AF patients, hopefully leading to decrease in embolic strokes. On the contrary, physicians are apparently annoyed by this deluge of information. Actually, some of them might be misleading or disappointing and thus cannot be extrapolated to our clinical practice, because of differences in races, patient backgrounds and medical environments. In this symposium, we discuss the gaps between medical information and everyday real clinical practice for stroke prevention in AF patients.

Risk assessment and prevention of sudden cardiac death

中里 祐二 (順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院 循環器内科)
Yuji Nakazato (Department of Cardiology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital)

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major concern in the public health scene even after the wide-spread use of ICD therapy for the prevention of SCD due to fatal ventricular arrhythmias (VA).
To assess the risk of SCD, left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) is known to be the only powerful predictor of SCD in patients with ischemic or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Although other methods of assessing electrical activity of the heart or autonomic nervous activity are used for predicting fatal VA or SCD, most of these examinations have insufficient clinical evidence for the prevention of SCD. More reliable risk stratification beyond EF would be expected. In addition, individual risk assessment is also required for other causes of SCD like hereditary fatal VA syndrome.
The trans-venous ICD therapy is currently established as the main tool for primary and secondary prevention of SCD. Recently, subcutaneous ICD has become available in Japan and the clinical efficacy has also been reported. Needless to say, the efficacy of ICD for preventing SCD is obvious;however, serious mechanical and functional complications or infection problems still remain. In addition, the indication gap for primary prevention between the guidelines and real clinical practice is often observed. Various factors may be related to this gap, but it often causes the underuse of ICD even in appropriately indicated patients.
In this session, we would like to discuss a comprehensive approach for preventing SCD from the risk assessment to the efficacy and limitation of ICD therapy.

Approach to CRT Non-responders

安部 治彦 (産業医科大学医学部 不整脈先端治療学)
Haruhiko Abe (University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan)

CRT has been growing as new non-pharmacological therapy in patients with drug refractory heart failure in the world wide, especially in NYHA Class II-IV patients. Presence of wider QRS duration >150msec. and CLBBB, or absence of AF believed to respond well to CRT. In fact that Class I indications in most countries clinical guidelines include these factors in patients with heart failure. Nevertheless, approximately 30-40% of the CRT patients have been reported as non-responder in real world.

In this symposium, we discuss the following clinical important issues;

  • How should we select the CRT patients and what is the most important factor for prediction of responder before CRT?
  • When and how should we assess the patients as responder or non-responder after CRT?
  • Where should we select pacing area at the implantation in both RV and LV sites?
  • How should we manage in non-responder CRT patients?
  • How should we reset the pacing parameters in non-responder CRT patients?

These issues seem to be very important clinical issues in the current CRT management for clinician. We are very welcome to submit your research or clinical data for management of CRT in this symposium.

Role of new defibrillation devices

栗田 隆志 (近畿大学医学部附属病院 心臓血管センター)
Takashi Kurita (The Division of Cardiovascular Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Kindai University)

Several large randomized trials have demonstrated the important role of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) for the improvement in mortality in patients with a high risk of sudden cardiac death, regardless of its purpose (primary or secondary prevention) and of underlying heart disease (ischemic or non-ischemic).
MADIT-RIT demonstrated that strict ICD programming to a high-rate (>200 bpm) or long (60sec) duration-delay is associated with a 75% reduction in a 1st inappropriate therapy, and 50% reduction in all-cause mortality in patients for primary prevention. The results from this trial were exciting. However, the fact that a reduction in the inappropriate shocks can be achieved by rigorous programming to this extent represents an immature discrimination capability of the device itself. The establishment of a further advanced algorithm with both a high sensitivity and specificity is required.
Subcutaneous ICDs (S-ICDs) are revolutionary devices to prevent sudden cardiac death without any requirement of venous access. The inability of bradycardia or anti-tachycardia pacing and a relatively high incidence of inappropriate therapies are unresolved problems.
The efficacy of ICDs in patients with newly diagnosed heart failure is limited. To avoid any sudden cardiac death during an appropriate interval to decide the indication of an ICD, a wearable cardioverter-defibrillator (WCD) should be challenged. Through the experience of a wider usage of WCDs, the role of drug therapy for heart failure or acute coronary intervention to prevent sudden cardiac death can be re-evaluated.
In this symposium, the advanced role of several shock-devices, at the present time and in near future, will be discussed.

How to use remote monitoring

石川 利之 (横浜市立大学附属病院 循環器内科)
Toshiyuki Ishikawa (Department of Cardiology, Yokohama City University Hospital)

Now, remote monitoring of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) are widely used. Remote monitoring of devices are useful for emergency. It is reported that prognosis of CEIDs patients are improved by remote monitoring of devices. However, burden of the medical staff may be increased. On the other hand, routine hospital visits of the CIEDs patients may be decreased by remote monitoring. Burden of the medical staff can be decreased by appropriate use of monitoring system. Operation of remote monitoring system can be achieved not only by physicians but also other staffs including nurse and medical engineer. Building suppo rt system of remote monitoring in each hospital may be key issue. Important thing is to clarify purposes of remote monitoring system. And we want to know how to use remote monitoring system. We want to discuss about these issues in this symposium and hope many submissions and contribution for this symposium.

Non-pharmacotherapy for cardiac arrhythmias in pediatric patients

住友 直方 (埼玉医科大学国際医療センター 小児心臓科)
Naokata Sumitomo (Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Saitama Medical School International Medical Center)



日本不整脈心電学会 入会案内:http://new.jhrs.or.jp/membership/







Basic /Translational Science

1 Ion Channels and Transporters: Molecular Structure, Function, and Regulation
2 Ion Channels and Transporters: Micro Anatomy and Pathology
3 Genomics: Bench
4 Genomics: Translational
5 Cell Physiology, Pharmacology, and Signaling
6 Computer Modeling / Simulation
7 Intact Heart Electrophysiology (includes Pharmacology and Optical Mapping)
8 Whole Animal Electrophysiology and Pharmacology (includes Neurohumoral Modulation)

Allied Professionals

9 Clinical Research
10 Teaching Case Reports

Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices

Bradycardia Devices

11 Device Technology
12 Clinical Trials
13 Others

Tachycardia Devices

14 Device Technology
15 Clinical Trials
16 Others

Diagnostic Devices & Sensors

17 Device Technology
18 Clinical Trials
19 Others

Leads & Electrodes

20 Implantation
21 Extraction / Removal
22 Technology
23 Clinical Trials
24 Others

Monitoring & Outcomes

25 Monitoring & Follow-up
26 Outcomes, Quality Measures & Complications

Catheter/ Surgical Ablation


27 Clinical Trials / Outcomes
28 Experimental Methods
29 Quality Measures & Complications
30 Mapping & Imaging
31 Ablation

Atrial Fibrillation & Atrial Flutter

32 Clinical Trials / Outcomes
33 Mapping & Imaging
34 Experimental Methods
35 Ablation
36 Quality Measures & Complications


37 Physiology-Pharmacology
38 Electrocardiography
39 Clinical Trials/ Outcomes
40 Mapping & Imaging
41 Ablation
42 Experimental Methods
43 Quality Measures & Complications

Clinical Electrophysiology

Sudden Cardiac Death

44 Risk Assessment (SAECG/TWA, HRV, QT interval etc. )
45 Epidemiology / Physiology
46 Prevention / Treatment

Syncope & Bradycardia

47 Mechanism / Diagnosis
48 Prevention / Treatment
49 Clinical Trials


50 Atrial fibrillation / Atrial flutter
52 VT / VF / VPC
53 Others

Inherited Disorder

54 Brugada syndrome, Early repolarization syndrome, and Idiopathic VF
55 LQT syndrome, ARVC, and others

Heart Failure

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

56 Indications
57 Device Technology
58 LV Leads

Non-CRT Devices for Heart Failure

59 Autonomic Modulation
60 Other

Heart Failure Management

61 Pharmacology
62 Clinical Trials
63 Monitoring

Pediatric / Adult Congenital Heart Disease

64 Pediatric Cardiology
65 Adult Congenital Heart Disease
66 Translational

Policy, Payment & Practice

67 Reimbursement, Regulation and Health Policy
68 Training and Education


69 Teaching Case Reports

Provocative Cases (Case reports)

70 Atrial fibrillation / Atrial flutter
72 VT / VF / VPC
73 Heart Failure
74 Bradycardia Devices
75 Tachycardia Devices
76 Device Implantation / Extraction
77 Pediatric / Congenital Heart Disease
78 Complications
79 Others


YIA(Young Investigator's Award)への応募の希望有無を選択下さい。


  • 2017年9月1日現在、筆頭演者(発表者)が40歳未満であること。
  • 過去の日本不整脈心電学会学術大会において、YIAを受賞したことがないこと。
  • YIAに選出された場合は、「Journal of Arrhythmia」(英文誌)または「心電図」(和文誌)に投稿すること。


  • 採否はプログラム編成委員会の審議に基づいて、大会長が決定します。
  • 採否通知は6月中旬頃に演題登録時に入力されたE-mailアドレスに通知するとともに、ホームページでも掲載予定です。
  • プログラムおよび会場の都合でご希望どおりにならないことがありますのでご了承ください。
  • シンポジウムに採用されなかった演題でも一般演題として採否を別に考慮する予定です。演題登録時に一般演題採否希望の有無を選択ください。
  • 国内の他学会または学会誌にて既に発表された演題と明らかに同一と大会長が認めた演題は、演題の採択の前後を問わず、取消とします。


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