Online Registration

Online registrations for JATS2024 and AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop are available.

To register for AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop, the registration for JATS2024 is compulsory.

The 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery will be held on-site.

Registration Period


Early-Bird Registration
has been extended
Noon, Thursday, August 1 to Friday, September 27, 2024 (JST, GMT+9)
Regular Registration Noon, Monday, September 30 to 5:00pm, Tuesday, December 10, 2024 (JST, GMT+9)

Registration Method

Please make sure to complete online registration in advance. No on-site registration is available.

Registration Fee

Category Early-Bird Registration Regular Registration
Participants from Overseas
20,000 JPY 22,000 JPY
Those involved with Industry 20,000 JPY 25,000 JPY

AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop in Kanazawa 2024

As of Aug. 20, 2024

Programs may be subjects to change.

Friday, November 1, 2024: Focusing on Masters

Welcoming Ceremony
Master Class I: Foundational Concepts:
Lunch Symposium
Sponsored by Edwards
Master Class II: Emerging concepts (Latest, Newest, Evolutional)
Master Class III: Case Base Learning
Master Class IV: How I do in 2024 (Video Session)
Master Class IV―1
Master Class IV―2

Venue: 2F, Hougaku Hall, Ishikawa Ongakudo

Saturday, November 2, 2024: Focusing on Trainee

Breakfast Session - Yong Investigator’s Abstract Session -

Venue: 3F, Ootori-Nishi-Naka, ANA Crowne Plaza Kanazawa

Mitral Conclave Toolbox I: Anatomy in Mitral Plasty
Mitral Conclave Toolbox II: How to Deal with ComplicationsVenue:

Venue: 3F, Ootori-Nishi-Naka, ANA Crowne Plaza Kanazawa

See Programs

*The detailed programs will be updated in due course

To register for AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop, the registration for JATS2024 is compulsory. Please complete online registration for JATS2024 first, and then register for AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop.

Category Registration Fee
Physician/Industry 15,000 JPY
Non-Physician 5,000 JPY

Privacy Policy

The information provided for online registration will not be used for purposes other than those related to this meeting. Personal information will be strictly managed taking necessary security measures.

Payment Method

Credit card only. Registration fees will not be refunded for any personal reasons.

Registration Confirmation

Once registered, you will receive an email confirming you that your registration has been completed. If you do not receive the email within 60 minutes after registering, your email address may have been incorrectly registered, or your registration may not have been completed due to some errors. In this case, please contact the JATS Office at

Name Badge and Receipt

Name Badge

You are required to print your Name Badge in color and bring it with you to the venue. It can be downloaded from your registration account page about 2 weeks prior to the congress period.

Please make sure to wear the Name Badge while you are in the congress venue, or you may not be allowed to participate in the congress.


The receipt for your registration fee can be downloaded from your registration account.

Please note that the receipt will not be available after the registration period.

Abstract Book

Abstract Book will be available on the JATS2024 Website or “MICEnavi” around the middle of October 2024.

Register from Here


For any inquiries, please contact JATS Office via email

AATS/JATS Mitral Conclave Workshop in Kanazawa 2024
AATS/JATS International Surgical Oncology Summit