Acceptance notice will be sent to the fist author by email in the end of May.
Important note to those whose study includes Japanese participants.
Previously, you had been directed to the Japanese website,
however, the guideline has changed.
From now on, please access the English website for all submissions.
Noon, Wednesday, December 19, 2018 -
Noon, Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Noon, Wednesday, February 27, 2019
(Japan Standard Time)
Abstract Submission has been closed.
Thank you for your submission.
JSMO2019 accepts abstracts for free paper.
Presentation style will be either Oral or Poster presentation.
Please select the abstract category from the list below. (The 1st & 2nd choices are required.)
Category | Sub-Category |
01. Gastrointestinal Cancer |
01-01. Esophageal Cancer 01-02. Gastric Cancer 01-03. Small Bowel Cancer 01-04. Colorectal Cancer 01-05. Other (Appendix Cancer, Anal Cancer, etc.) |
02. Hepatobiliary/Pancreatic Cancer |
02-01. Liver Cancer 02-02. Gallbladder and Biliary Tract Cancer 02-03. Pancreatic Cancer |
03. Lung Cancer/Thoracic Cancer |
03-01. Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer/Perioperative Treatment 03-02. Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 03-03. Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer/Chemotherapy 03-04. Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer/Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor 03-05. Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer/Immunotherapy 03-06. Small Cell Lung Cancer 03-07. Other (Mesothelioma, Thymic Malignancies, etc.) |
04. Hematologic Malignancies |
04-01. Lymphoma 04-02. Leukemia 04-03. Other (Myeloma etc.) |
05. Breast Cancer |
05-01. Early Breast Cancer/Perioperative Therapy 05-02. Metastatic Breast Cancer |
06. Gynecologic Cancer | 06-01. Gynecologic Cancer |
07. Genitourinary Cancer | 07-01. Genitourinary Cancer |
08. Head and Neck Cancer | 08-01. Head and Neck Cancer |
09. Rare Cancer/Cancer of Unknown Primary |
09-01. Pediatric Oncology 09-02. Central Nervous System Tumors 09-03. Endocrine Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Neuroendocrine Tumor 09-04. Skin Cancer 09-05. Sarcoma 09-06. Germ Cell Tumor 09-07. Cancer of Unknown Primary 09-08. Other |
10. Translational Research/Clinical Pharmacology |
10-01. Basic Research 10-02. Clinical Pharmacology 10-03. Innovative Drug Research & Development 10-04. Molecular Diagnostics/Genetic Testing 10-05. Translational Research 10-06. Companion Diagnostics 10-07. Developmental Therapeutics 10-08. Other |
11. Palliative Care/Symptom Management |
11-01. Palliative Medicine 11-02. Symptom Management 11-03. Oral Care for Cancer Patients 11-04. Psycho-Oncology 11-05. Other |
12. Cross-sectional Program |
12-01. Radiation Oncology 12-02. Diagnostic Imaging 12-03. Familial and Hereditary Cancer 12-04. Epidemiology 12-05. Cancer Prevention 12-06. Immunobiology and Immunotherapy 12-07. Other |
13. Multidisciplinary Team Program |
13-01. Interdisciplinary Approach to Cancer Care 13-02. Rehabilitation 13-03. Outpatient Chemotherapy 13-04. Professional Oncology Education 13-05. Oncology Nursing 13-06. Other |
14. Clinical Trial Facilitation Program |
14-01. Biostatistics 14-02. Clinical Trial Support 14-03. Trials in Progress 14-04. Research Ethics 14-05. Health Policy/Regulatory Affairs/Reimbursement 14-06. Health Technology Assessment/Health Economics 14-07. Other |
15. Patient Advocacy/Survivorship |
15-01. Patient Advocacy 15-02. Survivorship 15-03. Geriatric Oncology 15-04. Community Cancer Care 15-05. Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer 15-06. Other |
16. Miscellaneous | 16-01. Miscellaneous |
(a) Please note that if you select "Trials in Progress," your abstract will NOT be included in electronic program. Your submitted abstracts will be printed and handed out to the participants at the room where you deliver your presentation.
* Abstract Young Investigator Award
* All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Peer Review Committee and decided comprehensively based on the study contents, ethical aspects, and etc. You may choose the presentation style (oral or poster) when you submit an abstract. However, please understand that the congress president will make a final decision on the presentation style, presentation session, as well as acceptance/rejection.
JSMO2019 would like to deepen discussions based on the latest research results. We accept such abstracts as "Late-breaking abstracts".
If you are applying for Late-breaking abstracts, please select "Yes" for the question, "Are you applying for late-breaking abstracts?" and submit an outline and predicted results of your research as interim registration in the abstract text box.
Please complete the abstract submission with the latest research results by Friday, June 14, 2019. (You will be notified by the Secretariat to complete the abstract submission at the beginning of April.)
* The accepted results are not influenced even if the actual research results were different from your prediction.
JSMO2019 will select the abstracts for "Presidential Sessions" from the submitted abstracts this year instead of usual Plenary Session. The selection flow is as follows.
The program committee members choose the following number of abstracts from each category.
38 abstracts in total: 6 abstracts from each Gastrointestinal Cancer and Lung Cancer/Thoracic Cancer, and each 2 abstracts from other category.
Congress president selects 12 abstracts out of 38 abstracts, and the final selection will be made at the program committee.
There is one session a day, and each session is 120 minutes consisting of 4 presentations.
Each presentation is 30 minutes in total (presentation 15 min, Q&A 5 min and discussion 10 min).
Abstracts submitted by young researchers from outside Japan will be reviewed by the JSMO2019 committee members. Those selected presenters will be awarded partial travel grant for their outstanding works. Abstracts authors are encouraged to apply for Travel Award as outlined below:
Note: To qualify for the travel award, you must be free of any commercial grant or support.
Noon, Wednesday, December 19, 2018 - Noon, Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Japan Standard Time (same as the application period for JSMO2019 abstracts)
Young overseas doctors/researchers, who live outside of Japan, 45 years old or younger, as of July 20, 2019 (the last day of JSMO2019).
Please apply by submitting your abstract from the Submission Page (click the "Submit" button below).
Each applicant will be notified by e-mail around the beginning of May, 2019.
Those selected presenters will get a chance of having on-site tour to visit institutions and private enterprises in Kyoto as an award.
Abstracts (oral/ poster) submitted in English for JSMO2019 Annual Meeting will be published in ESMO/JSMO Scientific Journal, supplement to "Annals of Oncology" (Oxford University Press).
If you wish to have your abstract published in "Annals of Oncology," please select "Yes".
However, in case that there is any possibility of duplicate publication or encore publication, please refrain from selecting "Yes".
* Terms to be published in Journal "Annals of Oncology" as to poster presentation:
Oral presentations are free of charge but poster presentations are required 5000JPY of the posting fee of "Annals of Oncology" in addition to the Congress registration fee.
You can cancel publication of the journal after the acceptance notice.
We will contact you to confirm your final intention when the presentation style is decided.
The presenter (the first author) and the principal investigator must disclose the name of any company or for-profit organization related to medicine they have a relationship with, defined as follows: in the following items (3) to (9), (11), (12), exceeding separately stipulated criteria, and (1), (2), (10), (13) if met. The subject period is from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2018.
COI Policy (in revision)
Detailed Enforcement regulations of COI (in revision)
For oral presentation, please use the slide below as a template to disclose conflict of interest.
For poster presentation, please prepare and print out the slide, and put it at lower right of the poster panel.
(1) | If your study for this presentation is supported by research funds |
(2) | If you are or have been an employee of a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(3) | If you have earned >¥1,000,000/year as an officer or advisor of a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(4) | If you hold>5% of the stock of a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine, or receive dividends >¥1,000,000/year |
(5) | If you have earned >¥1,000,000/year as a patent fee from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(6) | If you have earned >¥500,000/year as a lecture fee from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(7) | If you have earned >¥500,000/year as a manuscript fee from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(8) | If you have research expenses >¥1,000,000/year from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(9) | If you have received >¥1,000,000/year as a certain contribution from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(10) | If you are or have been involved in a certain endowed chair funded by a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(11) | If you have >¥1,000,000/year as a fee for expert comment, judgment or testimony in legal proceedings, or others from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(12) | If you have received remuneration (travel, gifts, or other in-kind payments not directly related to research)equivalent to >¥50,000/year from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
(13) | If you are a representative of an organization for clinical study which receives research expenses(donation, contract, others)from a company and/or a profit-making organization related to medicine |
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In order to review whether your abstract is conformed to the standard of applicable research ethics such as "GCP", "GPSP", "Ethical guidelines on medical research on humans", "Ethical guidelines on research on human genome and gene analysis", etc., JSMO ask you to declare the following items:
The content of your declaration will not affect the acceptance or rejection of your abstract.
Please submit to the following:
Important note to those whose study includes Japanese participants.
Previously, you had been directed to the Japanese website,
however, the guideline has changed.
From now on, please access the English website for all submissions.
We accept abstracts submitted online only through the submission system.
You may enter the submission page from "Abstract Submission" button at the bottom of this page.
* It is recommended that you prepare your abstract text by Word/ text file in advance, and then copy it on the registration page.
* After completing the abstract submission, the abstract registration ID number and your password will be sent to the first author’s email address. The ID number and password will be required to confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts. Please be sure to enter the correct e-mail address. Please be sure to keep the ID number and password by yourself. The congress secretariat will NOT keep track of your information.
You can access to confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts during the abstract submission period.
The ID number and password will be required to enter the page (confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts).
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to the first author by email by May, 2019.
Confirmation / Modification / Deletion / Additional submission
Congress Secretariat
c/o Congress Corporation
5-1 Koji-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81-3-5216-5318 Fax: +81-3-5216-5552