
Dear All,

We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd GI-CoRE* Medical Science and Engineering Symposium will be held on March 3rd and 4th, 2016 in Sapporo. The main theme of the symposium is Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Interventional Radiology. Subjects in medical physics, imaging, radiomics, and particle beam therapy are also welcome. Conceptual papers about basic research, theoretical models and protocol of clinical trials are also welcome.

Poster presentation by medical students, graduate students, researchers, physicians, and clinical investigators are all welcome. For excellent abstracts, travel award is to be given to compensate their travel expenses.

We will be having excellent speakers from Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Japanese Universities. All the lectures and posters will be presented in English. We hope to have cozy, relaxed, and scientific atmosphere during two-day session to facilitate international and interdisciplinary communication.

Sincerely yours,

Hiroki Shirato, M.D., Ph.D.
The Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering
Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education
Hokkaido University

*The Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering (GSQ) was established in April 2014 at the newly opened Proton Beam Therapy Center (PBT center), Hokkaido University Hospital. GSQ is designed to serve as a research hub facilitating innovative collaborative studies with a world-leading research unit. The Radiation Oncology Department of Stanford University School of Medicine, headed by Prof. Quynh-Thu Le, is also seeking to develop this world-leading innovative radiation therapy method, and thus is participating as a core unit in GI-CoRE. Currently, 13 researchers are joining the Global Station from the Hokkaido University Unit, while further 12 researchers participate in the research efforts from the Stanford University Unit. Based on this unprecedented collaboration between the two leading research units of Hokkaido University and Stanford University, the Global Station for Quantum Medical Science and Engineering is expected to become one of the most innovative research hub on radiation therapy in the world.

General Information

The 3rd GI-CoRE Medical Science and Engineering Symposium

Date March 3 - 4, 2016
Organizers Hokkaido University and Stanford University
Main Theme Radiation Oncology, Biology & IVR
Venue Frate Hall, School of Medicine, Hokkaido University

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