Philippe Hernigou
University Paris East
Representant de la SOFCOT, President
演題名:Cell therapy in delayed unions and nonunions
Born in Quimper (29) – France – 11 January 1950
- Vice President of SOFCOT
- Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery since 1989 -University Paris XII
- Chief of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Hôpital Henri Mondor
- Member of the International Hip Society
- SICOT member
Alain-Charles Masquelet
University of Paris, Hôpital Saint Antoine
President de l'ODPC-COT
予定演題名:The induced membrane technique for repairing long bone defects. Overview and perspectives
Alain Charles Masquelet born in 1948
Orthopaedic surgeon at the Saint Antoine Hospital of Paris
(Head of the Hand and Reconstructive Surgery Unit)
Professor of Orthopaedic and Reconstructive Surgery (University of Paris)
Past President of the French Academy of Orthopaedic and Traumatology (2012)
Past President of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand (2004)
Main Surgical field :
Flap surgery and bone reconstruction
Other interest :
Ethics and philosophy of medecine and sciences (author or co-author of 6 books on philosophy of medicine)
Peter McCulloch
University of Oxford surgical Science & Practice
Frankie Leung
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
1. Open reduction and internal fixation of femoral neck fractures in young adults
2. Ortho-geriatric co-managed care of fragility fractures
Michael Baumgaertner
Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale Medical Group, New Haven, USA
演題名:Femoral trochanteric fracture management
Jong-Oh Kim
Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
予定演題名:Modern Trends of geriatric intertrochanteric femur fracture in Korea
Seok-Whan Song
Head Professor,Dept of Orthopedic Surgery The Catholic University of Korea
予定演題名:Treatment of distal humerus fractures in elderly patients