August 20 (Thu) - October 20 (Tue), 2020 12:00 (JST)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to
October 27 (Tue), 2020.
Abstracts submission has been closed.
This meeting specialized for spine is largest in Japan, and approximately 3,000 people including oversea doctors participate in this meeting.
Following the instructions below, please submit your abstract via e-mail (to with completed submission form.
To promote appropriate forms of collaborative clinical research between industry and academia and ensure neutrally and transparency in presentations on clinical research findings based on sound science and ethics, all presenters are expected to disclose any “conflict of interest” (COI) at Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research. Matters for which disclosure is required shall be matters that occur from a year before abstract submission to the time of presentation.
Please refer to the COI questions on abstract submission form for the details, and mark the boxes which match with your status.
For oral presenters, please show the following sample slide after the title slide.
For poster presenters, please show the following sample slide or equivalent statement at the bottom of the poster panel.
We call for abstracts only on General topics.
English Presentation Award will be canceled this time because the number of participants from overseas is expected to decrease due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
When submitting your abstract, please follow the guidelines given on the abstract submission form.
The president will respect the authors’ preference but reserves the right to assign the category and make the final decision of acceptance/ rejection.
Authors will be notified by e-mail in January whether his/her abstract has been accepted for presentation.
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