The 129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society


Invited Lecture

Invited Lecture 1

Saturday, April 19, 10:35-11:35 Room 1


Susumu Ishida(Hokkaido Univ, Japan)


A Nexus of Genes, Aging and Environment in Age-related Macular Degeneration

Anand Swaroop(National Eye Institute, National Institutes Health, USA)

Invited Lecture 2

Friday, April 18, 11:30-12:30 Room 1


Takeo Fukuchi(Niigata Univ, Japan)


The functional consequences of glaucoma, and how we might alter them for our patients

Pradeep Ramulu(Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute, USA)


Symposium 1

Latest Genomic Research for Precision Medicine

Thursday, April 17, 9:00-10:20 Room 1


Masahiro Miyake(Kyoto Univ, Japan)


Shinji Ueno(Hirosaki Univ, Japan)


The path to RPE65 gene therapy and to the future

Maeda Akiko(Kobe City Eye Hosp, Japan)


Latest research and future perspective in gene therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Kaori Ueda(Kobe Univ, Japan)


Genetic characteristics of inherited retinal dystrophy in Japanese population

Kensuke Goto(Osaka Univ, Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe), Japan)


Genomic Analysis of Pachychoroid Spectrum Disease

Yuki Mori(Kyoto Univ, Japan)


Towards precision medicine: Genomic analysis of complex eye diseases

Masato Akiyama(Kyushu Univ, Japan)

Symposium 2

Advanced Research on AI Applications Across Fields

Thursday, April 17, 10:50-12:10 Room 1


Motokazu Tsujikawa(Osaka Univ, Japan)


Toru Nakazawa(Tohoku Univ, Japan)


Innovations in Medical AI: Shaping the Future of Medicine and Healthcare Through Human-AI Synergy

Eiryo Kawakami(Chiba Univ, Japan/RIKEN, Japan)


Robotalization of life science with Maholo LabDroid and AI

Genki Kanda(RIKEN BDR, Japan)


Frontiers of Vision and Language: Bridging Images and Texts by Deep Learning

Yoshitaka Ushiku(OSX; OMRON SINICX Corp., Japan)

Symposium 3

Science has Great Beauty 1. Cutting Edge of the Sensory Bioimaging for Visualizing Various Invisible Biological Phenomena

Thursday, April 17, 14:00-15:20 Room 1


Shinsuke Shibata(Div of Microscopic Anatomy, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata Univ, Japan)


Takeo Fukuchi(Niigata Univ, Japan)


Visualizing the "pain sensation" with using human iPS cell derived sensory nerve organoids

Shinsuke Shibata(Div of Microscopic Anatomy, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata Univ, Japan)


Demonstrating "taste sensing system" with newly developed taste bud organoids

Ken Iwatsuki(Tokyo Univ of Agriculture, Japan)


Exploring the "humidity sensing system" in the skin and its physiological responses

Mariko Hara-Chikuma(Dept of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Keio Univ, Japan)


Visualization of the structure and vibrations of the inner ear in a live animal model for hearing loss

Hiroshi Hibino(Dept Pharmacol, Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Japan)


Myopia control by non-visual light responses

Toshihide Kurihara(Keio Univ, Japan)

Symposium 4

Science has Great Beauty 2. Talking with Legend: Cornea

Thursday, April 17, 15:35-16:55 Room 1


Yuichi Hori(Toho Univ, Omori, Japan)


Takefumi Yamaguchi(Tokyo Dent Coll, Ichikawa, Japan)


Harmonizing clinical and basic research for Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy

Sayo Maeno(Osaka Univ, Japan)


Scientific Mysteries and Clinical Significance of the Corneal Nerve

Yoshiaki Tagawa(Hokkaido Univ, Japan)


Stem Cell Therapy and Disease Modeling in vitro -Perspectives on Corneal Regeneration and Aging-

Emi Inagaki(Keio Univ, Japan)


Beauty in corneal surgery, optics and aqueous microenvironment

Takefumi Yamaguchi(Tokyo Dent Coll, Ichikawa, Japan)


Medical Science and Future Realities in Corneal and Ocular Surface Research

Shigeru Kinoshita(Kyoto Pref Univ, Japan)

Symposium 5

Recent Advances of Ocular Drug Delivery Systems

Thursday, April 17, 9:00-10:20 Room 2


Yasushi Kitaoka(St Marianna Univ, Japan)


Yasuyuki Takai(Osada Eye Cl, Japan / Masuda Red Cross Hosp, Japan)


Development process of ocular drug delivery

Kazuhito Yamada(Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Japan)


Design of drug-loaded contact lens for sustainable ocular drug delivery

Noriaki Nagai(Kindai Univ, Japan)


DDS for glaucoma drug treatment

Yasushi Kitaoka(St Marianna Univ, Japan)


Liposomal ophthalmic solution for VEGF-siRNA delivery to the retina

Yuuki Takashima(Juntendo Univ, Japan)


Development and the possibility of drug delivery system for retinal diseases

Kadonosono Kazuaki(Dept of Ophthalmology & Micro-technology Yokohama City Univ, Japan)

Symposium 6

Neural Regulation in Ocular Surface Homeostasis and the Pathophysiology of Its Impairment

Thursday, April 17, 10:50-12:10 Room 2


Masatoshi Hirayama(Keio Univ, Japan)


Kaoru Araki-Sasaki(Kansai Med Univ, Japan)


The sensory nervous system mediates pollen shell-stimulated induction of goblet cell-associated antigen passage

Meiko Kimura(Juntendo Univ, Urayasu, Japan/Juntendo Univ, Atopy (Allergy) Research Ctr, Japan)


TRP channels are important in corneal wound healing

Yuka Okada(Wakayama Med Univ, Kihoku, Japan)


Elucidating Neuropathic pain in the cornea

Yoshiaki Tagawa(Hokkaido Univ, Japan)


Dry eye and neuropathic pain

Yuto Tei(Dept. Physiol. Fac. Med. Toho Univ, Japan/Toho Univ, Omori, Japan)

Symposium 7
Japanese Session

Thursday, April 17, 14:00-15:20 Room 2

Symposium 8

Translational Research in Retinal and Optic Nerve Diseases

Thursday, April 17, 15:35-16:55 Room 2


Toshihide Kurihara(Keio Univ, Japan)


Teruyo Kida(Osaka Med and Pharm Univ, Japan)


The forefront of development in gene therapy for vision restoration

Yusaku Katada(Keio Univ, Japan/Restore Vision, Inc., Japan)


The developmental history of glaucoma eye drops and new foundational research

Megumi Honjo(Tokyo Univ, Japan)


Strategies of Drug Discovery for Novel Therapeutics in Ophthalmic Diseases

Hanako Ikeda(Osaka Med and Pharm Univ, Japan)


Development of AI for Fundus Imaging Devices and Current Challenges

Hidenori Takahashi(Tsukuba Univ, Japan/Jichi Med Univ, Japan)


Advancements in Digitally Assisted Vitreoretinal Surgery, Robotics and AI

Shin Tanaka(Yokohama City Univ, SVR, Japan)

Symposium 9

New Perspectives in Understanding the Pathophysiology of Allergic Conjunctival Diseases

Thursday, April 17, 9:00-10:20 Room 3


Dai Miyazaki(Tottori Univ, Japan)


Kenichi Namba(Hokkaido Univ, Japan)


Early-onset factors in allergic conjunctivitis development revealed by the Japan Environment and Children's Study

Tamaki Sumi(Kochi Univ, Japan)


Eosinophil diversity and lipid mediators in controlling inflammation and allergy

Makoto Arita(Div of Physiological Chemistry and Metabolism, Keio Univ Faculty of Pharmacy, Japan/Keio Univ WPI-Bio2Q, Japan/RIKEN Ctr for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan/Graduate School of Medical Life Science, Yokohama City Univ, Japan)


Neuropeptide CGRP-producing memory Th2 cells cooperate with somatosensory neurons to induce conjunctival itch

Nobuyuki Ebihara(Juntendo Univ, Urayasu, Japan)


Periostin: a target for therapeutic agents against allergic conjunctival disease

Kenji Izuhara(Div of Allergy Dept of Biomolecular Sciences Saga Medical School, Japan)

Symposium 10

Treatment of Pediatric Eye Diseases in Comparison with Adult Cases

Thursday, April 17, 10:50-12:10 Room 3


Shunji Kusaka(Kindai Univ, Japan)


Koh-Hei Sonoda(Kyushu Univ, Japan)


Novel Amblyopia Treatment for Children with Dichoptic Training Using a Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Display

Takeshi Morimoto(Advanced Visual Neuroscience, Osaka Univ Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)


Cataract Surgery

Daijiro Kurosaka(Iwate Med Univ, Japan)


Treatment for pediatric uveitis

Satoshi Yamana(Kyushu Univ, Japan)


Retinopathy of Prematurity

Chiharu Iwahashi(Kindai Univ, Japan)


Optic Neuritis in Pediatric and Adult Populations

Sotaro Mori(Kobe Univ, Japan)

Symposium 11

Myopia Research Update ~from Infants to Adults~

Thursday, April 17, 14:00-15:20 Room 3


Tae Igarashi-Yokoi(Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hosp, Japan)


Yuta Ueno(Tsukuba Univ, Japan)


Genetics and epidemiology of myopia

Masahiro Miyake(Kyoto Univ, Japan)


Myopia management in infants

Sachiko Nishina(Nat Ctr for Child Health and Development, Japan)


Latest topics in clinical research on myopia

Hidemasa Torii(Keio Univ, Japan)


Effect of Repeated Low-Level Red-Light Therapy for Myopia Control

Junfuku Lee(Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan)


Surgical treatment for myopic foveoschisis

Yasushi Ikuno(Ikuno Eye Ctr, Japan)

Symposium 12

Elucidating the Mechanism of Presbyopia and a New Adventure for Treatment

Thursday, April 17, 15:35-16:55 Room 3


Kazuno Negishi(Keio Univ, Japan)


Eri Kubo(Kanazawa Med Univ, Japan)


Regenerative Medicine for the Crystalline Lens: Prospects for the Future

Naoki Yamamoto(Fujita Health Univ, Japan)


New Developments in Presbyopia Treatment: Exploring the Potential of Pharmacotherapy

Yosuke Nakazawa(Fac Pharm, Keio Univ, Japan)


Evaluation of Changes in Optical Properties of the Presbyopic Lens Using Optical Simulation

Takushi Kawamorita(Kitasato Univ, Japan)


The Latest Technologies and Prospects in Surgical Correction for Presbyopia

Hiroyuki Arai(Queen's Eye Cl, Japan)

Symposium 13
Japanese Session

Friday, April 18, 9:00-10:20 Room 1

Symposium 14

Science has Great Beauty 4. Talking with Legend: Glaucoma

Friday, April 18, 15:30-16:50 Room 1


Makoto Aihara(Tokyo Univ, Japan)


Nobuyuki Shoji(Kitasato Univ, Japan)


Pioneering epitranscriptome in ophthalmology

Akiko Ogawa(IDAC, Tohoku Univ, Japan/Kumamoto Univ, Japan)


Investigating the mechanisms of intraocular pressure elevation

Hotaka Nemoto(Tokyo Univ, Japan)


Challenges in elucidating the pathophysiology of glaucoma using molecular epidemiological approach

Akiko Hanyuda(Keio Univ, Japan)


Disc hemorrhage: revisiting the phenomenon

Takashi Nishida(UCSD, USA)


Era of mitomycin: How can we justify glaucoma surgery?

Tetsuya Yamamoto(Kaiya Eye Cl, Japan)

Symposium 15

Curing Neuro-Ophthalmological Diseases with Biologics!

Friday, April 18, 9:00-10:20 Room 2


Ai Kozaki(Olympia Eye Hosp, Japan)


Hitoshi Ishikawa(Dept of Orthoptics and Visual Science, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato Univ, Japan)


Biologics for Neuro-ophthalmological diseases -overview-

Satoshi Ueki(Niigata Univ, Japan)


Biologics to prevent recurrence of refractory optic neuritis

Yohei Takahashi(Tokyo Women's Med Univ, Japan/Kitasato Univ, Japan)


Novel molecularly targeted agents for myasthenia gravis

Takeshi Kezuka(KEZUKA Eye Cl, Japan/Tokyo Med Univ, Japan)


Biologics and thyroid ophthalmopathy

Masashi Mimura(Hyogo Med Coll, Japan)

Symposium 16

Protecting Children's vision -Part IV- Myopia

Friday, April 18, 15:30-16:50 Room 2


Masako Shirane(Shirane Ophthalmology Cl, Japan)


Kazuhisa Sugiyama(Keiju Medical Ctr Hokuriku Glaucoma Cl, Japan)


MEXT's policies on children's eye health

Shuntaro Tsutsumi(Health Education and Shokuiku Division, Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)


Prevention of myopia progression in children

Kyoko Ohno-Matsui(Science Tokyo, Japan)


Dangerous diseases from pathological myopia

Yasushi Ikuno(Ikuno Eye Ctr, Japan)


Educational activities for early detection and prevention of myopia

Nagako Kondo(Miyake Eye Hosp, Japan)

Symposium 17

Ocular Tumors Treatment Sstrategy Update

Friday, April 18, 9:00-10:20 Room 3


Yoshihiko Usui(Tokyo Med Univ, Japan)


Tatsuya Yunoki(Toyama Univ, Japan)


Treatment Strategies for Malignant Tumors of the Eyelid

Jun Ominato(Niigata univ, Japan)


Malignant tumors of the conjunctiva

Satoru Kase(Hokkaido Univ, Japan)


Vitreo retinal lymphoma

Mizuki Tagami(Osaka Metro Univ, Japan)


Treatment Strategies for Orbital Malignancies

Mika Tanabe(Kyushu Univ, Japan)

Symposium 18

Clinical Application of AI and Its Challenges

Saturday, April 19, 9:00-10:20 Room 1


Tetsuro Oshika(Tsukuba Univ, Japan)


Nami Masuhara(Chigasaki Municipal Hosp, Japan)


AI for assessing surgical skills and outcomes

Shameema Sikder(Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)


Development and future prospects of public AI models using JOI Registry

Masahiro Oda(Information Technology Center, Nagoya Univ, Japan/Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya Univ, Japan)


Fundus AI for health check-up

Masahiro Miyake(Kyoto Univ, Japan)


AI Hospital Project: Challenges and Prospects

Ryo Kawasaki(Public Health, Univ. Osaka, Japan)

Symposium 19

Approaching the Pathogenesis of Ocular Infections

Saturday, April 19, 9:00-10:20 Room 2


Daisuke Todokoro(Gunma Univ, Japan)


Ken Fukuda(Kochi Univ, Japan)


The role of pathogenic factors in bacterial keratitis caused by Gram-negative rods

Hidenori Inoue(Ehime Univ, Japan)


Interaction between bacterial toxin and alarmin in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus keratitis

Isana Nakajima(Kochi Univ, Japan)


Mechanism and Role of Corneal Lymphangiogenesis in Bacterial Keratitis

Akitomo Narimatsu(Tokyo Med Univ, Japan)


Attempts to explore pathogens by metagenomic analysis in ocular surface diseases of unknown cause

Fumika Hotta(Kindai Univ, Japan)

Symposium 20
Japanese Session

Saturday, April 19, 9:00-10:20 Room 3

Symposium 21
Japanese Session

Sunday, April 20, 10:40-12:00 Room 2

International Symposium

International Symposium 1

Next Generation Approaches to Retinal Diseases

Friday, April 18, 15:30-16:50 Room 7


Yoko Ozawa(Fujita Medical Innovation Ctr Tokyo, Japan)


Ayumi Ouchi(Juntendo Univ, Urayasu, Japan)


Role of Inflammation and Senescence in AMD and Retinal Neurodegeneration

Rajendra S. Apte(Washington Univ. in St. Louis School of Med, USA)


Innate immune memory and Age-related macular degeneration

Masayuki Hata(Kyoto Univ, Japan)


Retinal Microglia and Neurovascular Microenvironment in Diabetic Retinopathy

Ayumi Ouchi(Juntendo Univ, Urayasu, Japan)


Stemming Vision Loss with Stem (and other types of) Cells

Martin Friedlander(Dept of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Scripps Research, USA/The Lowy Medical Research Institute USA/Div of Ophthalmology, Dept of Surgery, Scripps Cl, USA)

International Symposium 2

Update on Glaucoma Diagnostics

Saturday, April 19, 9:00-10:20 Room 7


Hitomi Saito(Tokyo Univ, Japan)


Miki Atsuya(Aichi Med Univ, Japan)


Update on Intraocular Pressure Monitoring

Kaweh Mansouri(The Glaucoma Ctr, Swiss Visio, Montchoisi Cl, Lausanne, Switzerland/The University of Colorado, Denver, USA)


High-Resolution Imaging and Artificial Intelligence in Glaucoma: Recent Discoveries and Clinical Perspectives

Jin Wook Jeoung(Seoul National Univ, Seoul, Korea/Seoul National Univ Hosp, Seoul, Korea)


Update on visual field testing

Hiroki Nomoto(Kindai Univ, Japan)


Update on Risk Factors for Glaucoma

Akiko Hanyuda(Keio Univ, Japan)

The International Crosstalk Symposium by Young Ophthalmologists

Friday, April 18, 9:00-10:20 Room 7


Hirokazu Sakaguchi(Hiroshima Univ, Japan)


Kazuno Negishi(Keio Univ, Japan)


Dilated Choroidal Vascular Channels in Pachychoroid Neovasculopathy

Jia-Horung Hung(Dept of Ophthalmology, National Cheng Kung Univ Hosp, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung Univ, Tainan, Taiwan/Spencer Center for Vision Research, Byers Eye Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA)


Streptococcus Suis Endogenous Endophthalmitis in a Patient with Meningitis

Ngan-Ha Nguyen(Dept of Ophthalmology, Hanoi Medical Univ, Vietnam)


Accuracy of Integrated AI Grading Using Handheld Retinal Imaging in a Community Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program

Recivall P Salongcay(Eye and Vision Institute, The Medical City, Metro Manila, Philippines/Center for Public Health, Queen’s Univ, Belfast, UK)


CHAC1 as a novel contributor of ferroptosis in retinal pigment epithelial cells with oxidative damage

Wu Di(Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Eye Center of the Second Affiliated Hosp, School of Medicine, Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, China)


Retinal artery and vein occlusion risks after COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccination

Yong Joon Kim(Dept of Ophthalmology, Institute of Vision Research, Severance Hosp, Yonsei Univ College of Medicine, Republic of Korea)


En Face OCT Detects Preretinal Abnormal Tissues Before and After Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling in Macular Hole

Yuichiro Ishida(Aichi Med Univ, Japan)


Role of Adrenomedullin 2/Intermedin in the Pathogenesis of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Shinji Kakihara(Shinshu Univ, Japan)


Involvement of AIM in the phagocytosis of trabecular meshwork cells and IOP

Hotaka Nemoto(Tokyo Univ, Japan)


Characteristics related to vision loss after successful PDT for eyes with central serous chorioretinopathy

Ryoh Funatsu(Kagoshima Univ, Japan)


Novel findings of the retinoid cycle in RDH5-related Fundus Albipunctatus patients with Dunaliella supplementation

Kei Mizobuchi(Jikei Univ, Japan)

© 2024- The 129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society.