The 129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society

Call For Papers

Abstract and Travel Grant Submission Guidelines

  1. These guidelines are limited to non-Japanese ophthalmologists living outside of Japan who would like to submit abstracts as “international members”.
  2. Non-Japanese ophthalmologists residing in Japan or who belong to a Japanese institution should become members of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society and submit their abstract on the Japanese site.
    Current members of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society should also submit their abstract on the Japanese site.
  3. To those who wish to submit an abstract, submissions will only be accepted via the online submission system. Please proceed to the abstract submission page by clicking the link provided at the bottom of this abstract submission guidelines page.

Submission Dates and Deadline

Free Paper and Poster Presentation submissions:
10:00 am October 1, 2024 - 12:00 pm, November 6, 2024 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9).
Late submissions will not be considered.

Note: Currently we are preparing for an in-person, on-site meeting so we ask you to participate on-site.

Abstract submission is closed.

Application for General Presentation (Paper/Poster)

  1. Select the style of presentation
    • Free Paper Presentation:
      Only computer-based presentations are allowed (film slides and videotapes are not permitted).
    • Poster Presentation:
      Presentations and discussions will take place in the Poster/ Exhibition Hall.

    Please note that the final decision of your presentation style will be made by the congress committee. Your choice may be changed to the other presentation style.

  2. Select an appropriate category from the following list
    01 Cornea, Conjunctiva
    02 Lens, Cataract
    03 Glaucoma
    04 Retina, Vitreous_body
    05 Ocular Inflammation, Infection, Allergy
    06 Strabismus, Amblyopia, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology
    07 Refraction, Visual Function
    08 Tumor, Orbit, Eyelid, Lacrimal Passage, Pathology, Pharmacology
    09 Low Vision, Color Vision, Electrophysiology
    10 Medical Services, Medical Politics, Others
  3. Review Code
    Select up to 3 appropriate Review codes from the following list.

List of Review Codes

Applicants' Qualification

The first author (presenter) of a general presentation should be an international member of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society. Non-members at the time of application are eligible to submit an application and will be granted international membership after acceptance of abstract, endorsement from either conference's president and approval by the Board of Trustees. For further information on international membership, please see here.

Guidelines for Abstract Preparation

  1. Papers that have been or will be presented in other ophthalmology-related academic meetings in Japan cannot be accepted.
    However, the following categories of papers will be treated as exceptions: specialized presentations (symposium, educational seminar, etc.), and papers presented at international academic meetings (in case of presentation at an international meeting convened in Japan, acceptable only if presented in English).
  2. A presenter may make only one general presentation, as the first author.
  3. The title should be no longer than 80 characters including spaces, affiliation should be concise and the abstract no longer than 1200 characters including spaces. The short title should be no longer than 40 characters including spaces.
  4. The abstract should be structured with the following headings:,- Objective, Subjects and Methods, Results, and Conclusions, in that order. For case reports and invention or improvement of techniques and devices, the headings should be appropriately changed (for example, for case reports, Introduction, Cases, Discussion and, if relevant, Conclusions).
  5. Methods, Results, etc. should be described clearly, with numerical values and the statistical analysis methods used, where possible.
    Invention or improvement of techniques and devices should also be described clearly.
  6. The Conclusion and Discussion should correspond to the Results described.
  7. Common names should be used for chemicals. Trade names should be given (……®) after the common names, if necessary (Example: timolol maleate [Timoptol®]).
  8. Presentations, abstracts and presentation data must be prepared in English.
  9. See below for declaration of conflict of interests.
  10. Regarding an approval of the animal research and ethics committee, e.g. IACUC, please select whether you have obtained an approval of the committee or not necessary on the abstract submission form. This does not need to be stated in the abstract body.
  11. On the Abstract Submission Form under Informed Consent, please check the box for whether you have obtained an informed consent or if it is not necessary. This does not need to be stated in the abstract text.


  1. When a duplicate submission (presentation) is suspected, please contact the Committee for Judging Duplicate Presentations of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society in advance.
  2. When a duplicate submission (presentation) is confirmed after the registration deadline, presentations by the author (presenter) and co-authors (co-presenters) of the abstract may be temporarily suspended. In addition, their names may also be published in the Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology.
  3. The content of the abstract and its description are equally evaluated by peer review, and revisions are not allowed after the registration deadline.
  4. At the Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, presentations are given on clinical research and basic research related to clinical relevance, and those based on pure basic research are not accepted. At the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society, presentations are given mainly based on basic research, but those based on clinical research are also acceptable.
  5. When the presentation includes part of the research conducted by multiple institutions, agreement of the persons concerned should be obtained, and the content of the agreement should be described in the Abstract.
  6. Meaningless rhetoric, prefixes (for example, Mr., Ms., Prof. and Dr.) inappropriate for academic papers, should not be used.
  7. Abstracts without data in the Results section, such as those that only state “will be investigated” and “we describe…,” may be rejected.
  8. Conclusions should not be drawn from any content(s) not described in the Results.
  9. The number of authors is not limited. However, if the number is 13 or more, the conference secretariat must be informed.
  10. Withdrawal and revision after the registration deadline are not allowed under any circumstances.

Please note that if a presenter does not make a presentation at the designated time and place without prior notice, as a penalty the presenter will not be allowed to make a presentation as the first presenter in the next meeting. This policy was laid down by the Program Committee of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society. If unable to attend the meeting for any compelling reason on the designated day and time, the presenter must inform the conference secretariat promptly and submit a statement of reasons for absence to the conference secretariat by letter or e-mail by the end of the meeting.

Congress Secretariat of the129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society
c/o Congrès Inc.
Onward Park Building
3-10-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8276, Japan
(Office hours: Weekdays 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays))
Tel: +81-3-3510-3701 Fax: +81-3-3510-3702

Conflict of Interest

When making a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society and the Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, the authors have to report any conflict of interest based on “the rules for conflict of interest of Japanese Ophthalmological Society.” If the presentation is accepted, the category of conflict of interest and company names must be disclosed in the slide and poster for presentation, based on “the rules for conflict of interest of Japanese Ophthalmological Society.”

A. Presentations to Which These Rules are Applicable

These rules are applicable to all presentations, including those in Co-Sponsored Seminars, Special Lectures, Invited Lectures, Symposia, Instruction Courses, General Presentations (including posters), etc.,

B. Report on Conflict of Interest at Abstract Submission

Report the potential conflict of interest with companies within the last three years no matter whether it's concerned with or without the content of your presentation. If conflict of interest is “present,” enter the category, class and company names after each author's name in the entry field of “Conflict of Interest” on the abstract submission form. If conflict of interest is absent, enter “category N.” Confirm the declaration is correct prior to the registration. Categories and classes are as follows.

  1. Category
    F (Financial Support):
    In the case where research expenses are supported or free research materials (including devices) or services (including sample measurements) are provided by companies (*) through the organization to which the author belongs.

    Companies denote both related companies and competitor companies. This is also the case for all subsequent categories.

    I (Personal Financial Interest):
    In the case where the author is an investor in a company related to the chemicals and materials (including devices) used and services are provided.
    E (Employee):
    In the case where the author is an employee of an interested company.
    C (Consultant):
    In the case where the author is currently, or was within the past three years, a consultant of an interested company.
    In the case where the author holds a patent or is in the process of applying for a patent.
    In the case where the author receives rewards (*) or travel expenses from a company related to the chemicals and materials (including devices) used and services provided.

    Rewards include salaries, travel fees, intellectual property rights, royalties, honoraria, shares, stock options, consultancy fees, lecture fees, expenses as a member of advisory committees and review panels, etc.

  2. Class
    • I.  0 yen
    • II. From 1 to less than 500,000 yen
    • III.From 500,000 to 5,000,000 yen
    • IV.Over 5,000,000 yen

    Conflict of interest should be disclosed for the fiscal year during the previous threeyears when the author received the largest sum of money.

C. Disclosure in the Abstract and Slide


The presence or absence of conflict of interest to be disclosed for the author (including co-authors) will be automatically shown at the end of the abstract, according to “the detailed rules of the standard for disclosure in the Japanese Ophthalmological Society.” For categories F, C and R, only class IV (over 5,000,000 yen) will be correspond to “presence”.

Slide and poster:

If the authors have to disclose any conflict of interest, the category and company names* should be described after the authors' names in the second slide and at the end of the poster. For categories F, C and R, only class IV (over 5,000,000 yen) should be disclosed.
*In the case of “Category P” (the author holds a patent or is in the process of applying for a patent), the company name need not to described.
If all authors do not have any conflict of interest to disclose, there will be a statement to the effect, “there is no conflict of interest to be disclosed”.

Example of Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
(PowerPoint Example)

Thank you for your cooperation. Please contact the conference secretariat for any questions by e-mail or FAX (not by telephone).

Congress Secretariat of the129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society
c/o Congrès Inc.
Fax: +81-3-3510-3702

Personal Information Protection

“Names” and “contact addresses” provided to us at registration for the meeting shall be used for the purpose of contact from the secretariat, notification of acceptance or rejection, and any information related to the presentation. In addition, the “presenters' names,” “affiliation names,” “title” and “abstract text” shall be used for publication in the program/proceedings and on the website, but not for other purposes. The registration process for applications has been commissioned to c/o Congrès Inc. in order to facilitate management operations.

Notification of Receipt of Abstracts

For registration confirmation, notification will be sent to the registered e-mail address. If you do not receive notification at the registered e-mail address within 7 days, please inform the conference secretariat. For submissions (general presentations), notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the registered e-mail address by the end of January, 2025 (tentative). If payment of 1) The International Membership fee for JOS, and 2) The registration fee for the 129th JOS are not completed by mid-February, your abstract will be considered as having been withdrawn. We will inform you of the payment details in our notification email.

Abstract Submission

  • Submit Your Abstract Here
  • Edit Your Submission

Abstract submission is closed.

Travel Grant

The 129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society offers Travel Grants to non-Japanese overseas ophthalmologists who would like to submit abstracts as international members to present high quality papers at the meeting. Only one person per abstract (the presenting author) will be considered for the Travel Grant. Funding for travel will depend on the travel distance and will not exceed USD1,000 per grant, and will be limited to 30 members.
After completing the abstract submission form, please ensure to check the box for “Applying for Travel Grant” within the system to finalize your application. No additional submission to the Congress Secretariat is required.
Please note that applications for the Travel Grant will be accepted from 10:00 am October 1, 2024 - 12:00 pm, November 6, 2024 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9). Decisions for Travel Grant awards will be made by the end of January, 2025 (tentative), at the same time as notification of abstract acceptance. All winners need to complete the payment of 1) the International Membership of JOS and 2) the registration fee for the 129th JOS by mid-February, We will inform you of the payment details in our notification email. In the case of the presentation conducted online, Travel Grants are not provided.

How to Apply for a Travel Grant

Step1. Abstract Submission

Submit your abstract through the abstract submission form on the system, and apply for the Travel Grant at the same time. A publication list is required for your application.

Step2. Travel Grant Application

In addition to the abstract submission, upload the publication list within the system. Make sure to check the box for applying for the Travel Grant.


Congress Secretariat of the129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society
Tel: +81-3-3510-3701
(Office hours: Weekdays 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays))

© 2024- The 129th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological Society.