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The 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL
c/o Congress Corporation
1-9-17 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001, Japan
TEL: +81-92-718-3531
FAX: +81-92-716-7143
Call for Abstracts
Accepted Abstract List
* The details such as session name, date, room, etc., were sent to the registered e-mail.

Abstract Submission Period

Starting Call for Abstracts :  May 22nd, 2023
Closing Call for Abstracts  :  June 20th, 2023
  July 4th, 2023 Closed
We received many abstracts. Thank you for your submission.
The conference program will be released shortly.

Submission Guidelines

All abstracts must be written in English.
All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system.
Abstract Title:
The Abstract title should be no longer than 30 words.
Abstract Body:
Please structure your abstract using the headings such as [Objectives], [Methods], [Results] ,[Conclusions] etc., if possible. The abstract body should not exceed 400 words. Do not include graphs, tables, images and references in the abstract.
First Author, Co-Author(s):
The maximum of 20 authors allowed (first author and co-authors).
The maximum of 5 affiliations allowed (first author’s and co-authors’ in total).
Upon your abstract registration, you will automatically be assigned a registration number (Login ID). Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an email automatically. If you do not receive an email within 24 hours after submission, please contact the Congress Secretariat by email at apog2023@congre.co.jp.
With the registration number (Login ID) and your own password, you will be able to access and confirm/modify/delete your registered abstract as many times as you wish, until the closing of call for abstract.

Conflict of Interest (COI)

  Please disclose your status of COI during your presentation at the conference.

Acceptant Results, and Presenting Session

  All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed to decide their acceptance / rejection, presentation style, and presenting session. The final decision will be made by the Conference President.
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent to the registered e-mail in August, 2023.

Abstract Submission, Modification

* We recommend not to use WEB Mail(Gmail・Yahoo mail etc.,)as the registered e-mail address.
There are cases that the registration acknowledge mail cannot be reached to WEB Mail.
* In case you register abstract twice by mistake and need to delete the registered abstract, please contact Congress Secretariat Office: apog2023@congre.co.jp

Congress Secretariat

  1-9-17 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 Japan
TEL: +81-92-718-3531 FAX: +81-92-716-7143
©The 9th Asia Pacific Pediatric Otolaryngology Group Conference