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Chairman's Blog Let's Go to Beppu!
The 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL
c/o Congress Corporation
1-9-17 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001, Japan
TEL: +81-92-718-3531
FAX: +81-92-716-7143
Welcome message
Prof. Takashi Nakagawa
President of APOG 9th
Congress President.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 9th Asia-Pacific Pediatric Otolaryngology Group Conference (APOG 2023), it is a great pleasure to invite you to APOG 2023 in conjunction with the 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Pediatric ORL, which will be held in Beppu City, Oita, Japan on November 9 and 10, 2023. I am sure that this conference gives you great opportunities to share and deepens your knowledge in pediatric ENT field. It surely motivates you and enhance your professional expertise in your daily practice. This meeting is also a perfect chance to establish new cooperation and strengthen the friendship among the pediatric otolaryngologists from Asia-Pacific regions.

Beppu City is one of the most famous hot spring resorts in Japan. It has approximately 2,300 hot spring sources and it is the world's second largest gush of water. There are also many tourist attractions, such as the Beppu Jigoku Meguri (Hell Tour), which is boiling water and gas bubbling up in hot spring. Kannawa Onsen, located north part of Beppu City, is also famous for its beautiful scenery with steam rising from everywhere. You can enjoy delicious fresh seafoods from Bungo channel, Beppu Bay and Seto Inland See. In November, you can also try puffed fish (Fugu) by Sashimi style, fried or soup. I hope you will enjoy the attractive city as well as the conference.
Beautiful hot springs and Japanese sentiment in Beppu are waiting for your participation in this joint activity. We are looking forward to seeing you at Beppu in November 2023.

Best regards.
©The 9th Asia Pacific Pediatric Otolaryngology Group Conference