Thank you for your abstracts submission.
Please click “Category” in the below to view the accepted Regular Abstracts.
The accepted Abstract Submission Numbers are posted in numerical order. Please note that the category might be different from the one you have selected upon having submitted your abstract.
We have sent the acceptance notices to the e-mail addresses, which had been registered, on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. We will send you further information on the session and on the presentation format later.
Character codes will be printed properly in the scientific program; for example, “–” is converted to “-“(hyphen).
※For any inquiry, please feel free to contact the congress secretariat at
※You are required to register to present at JCS2022.
Pre-registration starts on Friday on the JCS2022 website, December 3, so we recommend you to register as Early Bird. Please visit the JCS2022 Registration.
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