Guidance for Chairs and Speakers
Feel free to use it when participating our congress.
1. Presentation slides
JCS2022 has been changed to a virtual event.
A Zoom link for your session will be sent via email approximately one week prior to the meeting.
- We strongly encourage you to prepare presentation slides in English regardless of the presentation language.
Note: Japanese slides will be accepted for Japanese only (excluding regular abstracts) and the team-based care sessions.
- The first slide of your presentation must be your name and title of presentation, and this must be followed by the conflict of interest (COI) disclosure slide.
- For declaration of COI, please read the guidelines for COI in clinical research, which can be found on the JCS website. A template slide can be downloaded from the below:
- Slides should be created in a 16:9 ratio.
- Please display your slides on your computer using the “Share Screen” function during your presentation.
- Please keep videos and animations to a minimum as they can cause communication problems and degrade image quality.
2. Presentation format
<Live sessions>
1) Special sessions, Plenary session, Symposium, Late-breaking clinical trial session, Late-breaking cohort study session, Hotline session, Committee session, Educational lecture and Medical safety/Ethics workshops
- Speakers have been notified individually regarding timings for presentations and Q&A.
- Presentation will generally be given live via Zoom. However, if there are any concerns about the internet connection, a pre-recorded narrated PowerPoint presentation will be accepted. Further information on this will be provided in due course.
- Sessions will also be available on demand after the meeting (March 23 (Wed.) – April 20 (Wed.)).
2) Featured research session (regular abstracts)
- 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A
- There is no limit to the number of slides.
- As the session will run on a tight schedule, please ensure that your presentation does not overrun the allocated time. A time indicator will indicate the elapsed time, which will only be visible to the speaker.
- The session will be delivered live and made available on demand after the meeting.
3) Oral presentation (regular abstracts, case report session (clinician) and team-based care session abstracts) and moderated poster sessions
- 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A
- There is no limit to the number of slides.
- As the session will run on a tight schedule, please ensure that your presentation does not overrun the allocated time. A time indicator will indicate the elapsed time, which will only be visible to the speaker.
- The sessions will be delivered live only and will not be available on demand after the meeting.
4) Poster session (regular abstracts, case report session (clinician, student, junior resident and medical staff) and team-based care session abstracts)
- The sessions will be in a virtual oral presentation format.
- 5 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A
- Each presentation may use up to 6 slides including the title and COI disclosure slides. The title and COI disclosure slides can be combined into one slide.
- As the session will run on a tight schedule, please ensure that your presentation does not overrun the allocated time. A time indicator will indicate the elapsed time, which will only be visible to the speaker.
- The sessions will be delivered live only and will not be available on demand after the meeting.
3. Instruction for Live Streaming Sessions
Live streamed sessions will be held at designated times during the period from march 11 (Fri) to 13 (Sun) 2022, which will be presented via streaming using the Zoom web conferencing system.
Please refer to the Zoom Manual for Panelist to familiarize yourself with the system before the congress begins.
- We strongly recommend using a stable wired network or Wi-Fi which you have used for Zoom before. An unstable connection will cause poor image quality and choppy video/audio which may affect the presentation.
- Please use your own laptop to screen share your presentation.
- Please open the PowerPoint file to be used in your presentation in advance.
- Please click the button “Share Screen” again to turn off screen sharing once you finish your presentation.
- Your PC may become slow depending on its specifications and if other apps and programs other than Zoom and PowerPoint are running. Make sure to close unnecessary apps and programs. We also recommend you restart your computer to close all programs and clear the RAM.
- Kindly refrain from using sound features in the movie of your presentation, presenter tools or an external display.
- If a video clip must be used, please access to the Zoom test site to make sure the quality is adequate.
- Please refrain from using built-in speaker or built-in microphone of your laptop; please use a headphone if possible.
- Please ensure that portable computers are connected to an AC power source before joining a session.
- If you use the headphone and need to mute the microphone, please do not use the mute option on headphones; instead, please click the “Unmute” button in Zoom.
- Chairs should ask speakers to unmute their microphone to avoid screen sharing failures.
- Please log in to Zoom via the URL provided 45 minutes before the session starts to ensure a proper connection for interactive discussion and to receive further instructions for the presentation session.