Tuesday, April 16 –
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Extended until Monday, May 27, 12:00 p.m.(JST)
Thank you for your submission! Abstract Submission has closed.
✻The title of the abstract should be within 120 characters including spaces.
✻The body of abstracts should be within 1,600 characters and must be in English including spaces.
✻Neither charts nor graphics should be included in the abstract.
✻Co-authors should be up to 19 persons.
✻If you are under 40 years old or you have been a PhD student for less than 10 years as of the day you submit an abstract, you are eligible to apply for “Best Oral Award”.
✻The abstracts will be published in the Online Abstract. exactly as submitted.
✻The first author must present his/her presentation.
Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent by email to the first author in July.
Please download and complete the form below and email it to jshg2024@congre.co.jp.
The secretariat will contact you by e-mail with your abstract registration No.
Congress Secretariat of JSHG2024
c/o Congrès Inc.
E-mail: jshg2024@congre.co.jp
© 2023 The 69th Annual Meeting
of the Japan Society of Human Genetics.