Thank you for attending to On-demand streaming of JSMO2021. JSMO021 On demand streaming has been ended successfully. We appreciate for all of your participations.
Thank you for attending to Live streaming of JSMO2021
Dear Members and Participants,
First, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your attendance
to the live streaming of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of
Medical Oncology.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your active participation
and are happy to inform you that over 6,000 people attended the live streaming
On-demand streaming will continue from noon on Monday, March 1,
and we look forward to your continued participation and cooperation.
Once again, thank you very much for your participation in the live streaming of
the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology.
Kazuto Nishio, M.D., Ph.D.
Congress President
2021 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting (JSMO2021)
Professor and Chairman, Department of Genome Biology, Kindai University
Faculty of Medicine, Center of Genomics, Kindai Life Science Research Institute
- Mar. 31, 2021
- On-site registration has been closed.
- Mar. 01, 2021
- On-demand streaming is now available.
- Feb. 17, 2021
- On-site registration is now open.
- Feb. 15, 2021
- Program and Time Table have been updated.
- Feb. 10, 2021
- Early Registration has been closed.
About JSMO2021 Virtual Congress has been updated.
- Jan, 27, 2021
- Information for Participants has been updated.
- Jan. 14, 2021
- Morning Seminar / Medical Seminar / Evening Seminar has been updated.
- Jan. 08, 2021
- Information for Chairs and Speakers has opened.
- Dec. 25, 2020
- Program has been updated.
- Dec. 18, 2020
- The application for Meet the Experts has opened.
- Dec. 01, 2020
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection has been sent out to the applicants.
- Oct. 13, 2020
- Abstract Submission for Designated Sessions has been opened.
- Oct. 01, 2020
- Registration has opened.
- Sep. 30, 2020
- The abstract submission has been closed.
- Sep. 16, 2020
- The abstract submission deadline has been extended.
- Aug. 31, 2020
- Travel Awards will be changed to Virtual International Contribution Awards.
- Aug. 26, 2020
- 2021 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting (JSMO2021) decided to hold a virtual congress instead of an in-person congress.
- Jun. 17, 2020
- Call for Abstracts has opened.
- Jun. 12, 2020
- Call for Abstracts page has been updated.
- Jun. 05, 2020
- Program has been updated.
- Oct. 18, 2019
- Website has opened.