
This is a map of hotels around the conference center.
Please use this as a reference when looking for accommodation.

For Standard hotels around the conference venue:

For luxurious hotels around the conference venue:

To look for hotel, to check availabilities and book a hotel, is also available:

Please note the following warnings:

  • All invited speakers/chairpersons will automatically be assigned rooms at the Toshi Center Hotel.
    Otherwise we will NOT be able to refund the payment.
  • In Japan, hotel charges are based on the number of guests.
    If there are two guests in a room instead of one, the charge is doubled.
    Therefore, sharing a room will not save you money.
  • We take NO responsibility for the quality of their services.
  • The list does not guarantee reservations at the hotels listed. Please check availability with each hotel.
  • We have no conflict of interest with the hotels.