The 67th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics

Call for Abstracts

✻We invite submissions for the 67th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Human Genetics (JSHG).
If your abstract is accepted, you can attend as an oral or a poster presenter.

Abstract Submission Period

  • Open: May 10th, 2022, noon (JST)
  • Close: June 14th(Tue) June 30th(Thr), 2022, noon (JST)

※ Abstract Submission has been closed.

Submission Guidelines

  • ✻The title of the abstract should be within 120 characters.
  • ✻The body of abstracts should be within 1,600 characters and must be in English.
  • ✻Neither charts nor graphics should be included in the abstract.
  • ✻Co-authors should be up to 15 persons.
  • ✻The abstracts will be published in the Online Abstract. exactly as submitted.
  • ✻The first author must present his/her presentation.

Abstract Submission

Kindly download the Abstract Submission Form below, fill out the required fields, and submit to the Congress Secretariat of JSHG2022 via E-mail.


Notification of Acceptance

Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent by email to the first author early September.

Congress Secretariat of JSHG2022

C/o Congrès Inc.