General Secretariat

Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology,
St. Marianna University School of
Medicine, Japan

Congress Secretariat

c/o Congrès Inc.
Onward Park Bldg.,
3-10-5 Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-8276, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3510-3701
FAX: +81-3-3510-3702

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission period

November 6 (Wednesday)


December 25 (Wednesday), 2024

January 8 (Wednesday), 2025

Abstract submission has been closed.
Thank you for your submission.

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted online via the online abstract submission system.
We recommend using the latest version of Internet Explorer, Safari (Ver. 2.0.3 (417.9.2) or later), Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as a browser. Please do not use other browsers.
Depending on your computer software, you may not be able to submit your abstract. If this is the case, please update your computer settings.

The congress secretariat is not responsible for any errors made by the author.
Before the submission deadline, please make sure there are no errors in the submitted material.

Session (presentation format and category) and presentation theme

Select the relevant presentation format from the session field list, and then select the relevant topic from the “1. Category”, “2. Field/Disease” and “3. Procedure” field lists in the presentation theme.
Please note that we may be unable to offer your preference due to the limited capacity of the program. The organizer reserves the right to make a final decision on this.


Please choose a session (presentation format and genre) from the following two options.

  • General presentation (oral)
  • General presentation (poster)
  • If you are requested to speak for the designated session, please select the below.

  • Symposia
  • Others

Presentation theme (for General presentation)

Please select the relevant topic from the “1. Category”, “2. Field/Disease” and “3. Procedure” field lists.
Please note that we may be unable to offer your preference due to the limited capacity of the program. The organizer reserves the right to make a final decision on this.

1. Category

1 Basic Research
2 Clinical Research
3 Case Report

2. Field/Disease

01 Cranial Nerves / Head and Neck
02 Repiratory System
03 Liver
04 Gastrointestinal Tract / Biliary Tract / Pancreas
05 Portal Venous System
06 Obstetrics and Gynecology
07 Urology
08 Aorta / Peripheral Nerves / Endoleaks
09 Veins / Lymph / Dialysis Shunt
10 Vascular Malformations
11 Visceral Artery Aneurysms / SAM
12 Bone and Soft Tissue
13 Trauma
14 Non-Traumatic Emergencies
15 Complications
16 Palliative
17 Imaging Support / System
18 Radiation Protection
19 Other

3. Procedure

01 Embolization
02 Intra-arterial Injection / Chemotherapy
03 Sclerotherapy
04 Thrombolysis / Angioplasty
05 Stent / Stent Grafting
07 Arterial Reservoir
08 Sampling
09 Ablation
10 Biopsy
11 Drainage
12 Vertebroplasy and Kyphoplasty
13 CV Ports / CV Catheters
14 Other

Character limit

Title Up to 100 single-byte characters
Abstract body Up to 1600 single-byte characters
Maximum number of authors
(First author (presenter) + co-authors)
Up to 15 authors
Maximum number of affiliations Up to 15 affiliations


  • To make the review process fair, the body text must not contain author information such as institutional affiliation.
  • A double-byte character and two single-byte alphanumeric characters are counted as one character.
  • Use single-byte characters for <SUP></SUP>, <SUB></SUB>, <I></I>, and <B></B> for defining superscript, subscript, italic, and bold text, <BR> for creating a line break, and <U></U> for underlining text. When entering English words and numbers, make sure to distinguish between similar-looking letters and numbers, e.g., O (letter) and 0 (number), l (lowercase letter) and 1 (number), X (letter) and × (mathematical symbol).
  • Do not use platform-dependent characters including half-width katakana, circled numbers (e.g., ①, ②, and ③), Roman numerals (e.g., Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ) and special characters.
  • Images, figures, and tables are not permitted.
  • There is no need to fill in the profile field. Please leave it blank.

Setting a password

You will be asked to create a password.
Please keep the password safe as you may not view, edit or withdraw your abstract without your password and submission number which is automatically issued upon submission.
Please note that for security reasons we are unable to answer any queries regarding passwords

Viewing/editing/withdrawing submitted abstracts

Abstracts can be viewed, edited and withdrawn through the “View/Edit” button until the abstract submission deadline.
Note: The password created for submitting abstracts and submission number are required for this. The submission number can be found in the confirmation email sent upon submission.

Confirmation email and outcome notification

Once an abstract has been received, an automated email containing the submission number will be sent to the registered email address. If you do not receive the email within 24 hours after submission, please contact the Congress Secretariat ( as the abstract submission may have not been completed or there may be an error in the email address given.
A notification of outcome of abstract submission will be sent to the registered email address in mid-March 2025.
When registering an abstract using Gmail, you may not receive the automatic confirmation email due to errors. We kindly ask that you register using an email address other than Gmail, if possible.

Selecting a session

  • The poster presentation is planned to be in a digital poster format using monitors at the venue.
  • Abstracts for the general presentation sessions must be written in English.
  • Oral presentation slides and posters must be prepared in English.

Please note that we may be unable to offer your preference due to the limited capacity of the program. The host school reserves the right to make a final decision on this.

Abstract submission system

SSL (recommended)

Registration / Login

Plane (Please register here only if SSL is not available.)

Registration / Login

For any abstract related queries please contact:

Congress Secretariat for
The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology (JSIR 2025) and The 15th International Symposium of Interventional Radiology(ISIR 2025)

c/o Congrès Inc.
Onward Park Bldg., 3-10-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-8276, Japan