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Abstract submission period
From March 2 (Wed.) to 12 noon on April 26 (Tue.), 2016 (Japan Standard Time)
Abstract submission has been closed. Thank you for your submission.
How to apply
Click on the button below to download the Abstract Submission Form. Then, fill in the form and email it to the following address: jsh39@congre.co.jp.
Application categories
- Research report
- Case report
- Healthcare professional session / Others
Presentation Types
Select a preferred presentation type.
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
- Either
* Please note that your presentation type will be determined by the JSH Program Committee.
Research Categories
If you submit a research report, please select an applicable research category from the following list.
- Basic
- Clinical
- Epidemiology
Abstract length
Title: A maximum of 20 words
Text: A maximum of 750 words (or 600 words plus figures and/or tables, if any)
You will be notified of whether your abstract has been accepted or not via email by the end of June.
For inquiries, please contact the Congress Secretariat for the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hypertension.
Email: jsh39@congre.co.jp