c/o Congrès Inc.
5-5-3, Kita 7-jo Nishi Kita-ku,
Sapporo, 060-0807, JAPAN
November 8(Wed.) ~ January 12th(Fri.)
cnoon on January 22 (Mon.) (JST/GMT+9)
Thank you for your submission! Abstract Submission has closed.
All submissions must be made online via this website.
If author and co-authors for this registration belong to overseas affiliations, they are not required to be a member of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT). However, if the author/co-author belongs to an institution in Japan, membership registration to CVIT by the meeting dates is required.
01 | Oral (English) |
02 | Poster (English) |
01 | ACS |
02 | Antiplatelet Therapy |
03 | Aortic valve intervention (TAVI/Valvuloplasty) |
04 | Bifurcated Lesion |
05 | BMS/BRS |
06 | CABG vs. PCI vs. OMT |
07 | CKD/HD |
08 | Closure device (PFO/ASD/LA appendage/PDA) |
09 | Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) |
10 | Complications |
11 | COVID-19 |
12 | Congenital Heart Disease |
13 | CT/MRI/Scintigraphy |
15 | CTO |
16 | DCB |
17 | DES |
18 | Distal Protection Devices/Thrombectomy |
19 | Diabetes/Dyslipidemia/HT/Smoking/Other Risk Factors |
20 | Emergency Care |
21 | Endovascular Intervention(Carotid/Subclavian/acute stroke) |
22 | Endovascular Intervention (Thoracic/Abdominal) |
23 | Endovascular Intervention (Shunt for HD) |
24 | Endovascular Intervention(Iliac/Femoral/BTK) |
25 | Epidemiology/Financial cost |
26 | Flow Wire/Pressure Wire/FFR CT |
27 | Guiding catheter |
28 | Heart Failure |
29 | ICD/CRT/CRTD/Electrophysiology |
30 | IVUS/OCT/Angioscopy |
31 | Kawasaki Disease |
32 | Laser Angioplasty |
33 | LMT |
34 | Mechanical circulatory support (IABP/ECMO/Impella) |
35 | Mitral Valve Intervention |
36 | Multivessel Disease |
37 | Pathology |
38 | Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) |
39 | POBA/Cutting Balloon/Scoring Device |
40 | Prognosis |
41 | PTSMA |
42 | Pulmonary Embolism/DVT/Venous disease |
43 | Radial access/distal radial access/Less invasive strategy |
44 | Renal Denervation |
45 | Restenosis/ISR |
46 | Rotablator/OAS/DCA/IVL |
47 | Secondary Prevention/OMT |
48 | Small Vessel Disease/Diffuse Lesion |
49 | Stent Thrombosis |
50 | Thrombolysis |
51 | Others |
Title of Abstract: Up to 20 words
Body of Abstract: 220 words or less including spaces and punctuations without any image (picture, chart or diagram).
130 words or less including spaces and punctuations with an image (picture, chart or diagram) in your abstract.
The CVIT2024 entrusts the collecting, storing, and handling of the personal information provided to us, to MICE one Corporation.
The personal information that you provide through the online submission system, will be used for the following purposes only:
If author and co-authors for this registration belong to overseas affiliations, they are not required to be a member of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT). However, if the author/co-author belongs to an institution in Japan, membership registration to CVIT by the meeting dates is required.
The Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT)
TEL: +81-3-6280-4126
FAX: +81-3-6280-4127
CVIT website (Japanese only):
If you have any questions about abstract submission, please contact