c/o Congrès Inc.
5-5-3, Kita 7-jo Nishi Kita-ku,
Sapporo, 060-0807, JAPAN
The luncheon seminars are sponsored by corporations and will be held at lunchtime.
Participants in these seminars will be provided with a boxed lunch.
Please note that some sessions require advance reservation, so if seats are filled, you may not be able to attend.
Some sessions may be fully booked, so please understand that you may not be able to participate if there are no available seats on the day.
Please also note that there is a limited quantity of boxed lunches available.
July 25, Thursday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 6
Open the way with the Indigo™ system -Cutting-edge technology for ALI treatment-
Chairs: | Hiroyoshi Yokoi | (Sanno Hospital) |
Santhosh Jay Mathews | (Bradenton Cardiology Center) |
Arterial Thrombus Management Overseas
– ALI Treatment and Clinical Outcomes with Indigo System
Speaker: | Santhosh Jay Mathews | (Bradenton Cardiology Center) |
July 25, Thursday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 8
Integrating CathWorks FFRangio Into Your Daily Practice
Moderator: | Kazuo Misumi | (Chiba-Nishi General Hospital) |
Presenters: | Yutaka Hikichi | (Saga-Ken Medical Centre Koseikan) |
Yasuhiro Ichibori | (Osaka Police Hospital) |
Commemtator: | Ray Matthews | (Keck School of Medicine of USC, USA) |
CathWorks Japan GK / Medtoronic Japan CO., LTD.
July 25, Thursday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 12
Clinical usage of QFR (Quantitative Flow Ratio) and its potential for diagnosis of CMD
Chair: | Tsunekazu Kakuta | (Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital) |
Speaker: | Hernan Mejia-Renteria | (San Carlos Clinical University Hospital, Madrid) |
NIPRO CORPORATION/Medis Medical Imaging Systems
July 25, Thursday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 13
Clinical Evidence and Real-World Application of OCT and Ultreon™ 2.0
Chair: | Junichi Yamaguchi | (Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital) |
OCT Guided PCI for ACS
Lecturer: | Toshiro Shinke | (SHOWA University Hospital) |
Why OCT and Why Ultreon™ 2.0?
Lecturer: | Ziad A Ali | (St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center) |
Abbott Medical Japan LLC
July 26, Friday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 7
Real World, Real Calcium & Real Effectiveness with IVL
Chair: | Gaku Nakazawa | (Kindai University Hospital) |
IVL : The latest data and what's next?
Speaker: | Nick West | (Shockwave Medical Inc. / Chief Medical Officer) |
Shockwave Medical Inc.
July 26, Friday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 17
How Far can “Total Physiology” Detect Cardiac Condition?
Chair: | Hitoshi Matsuo | (Gifu Heart Center) |
Nobuhiro Tanaka | (Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center) |
CMD Latest Update:Hidden CMD in Various Patients Background
Lecturer: | Tadashi Murai | (Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital) |
2nd Generation Physiology for Epicardial Artery Disease
Lecturer: | Carlos Collet | (Cardiovascular Center Aalst, OLV Clinic, Aalst, Belgium) |
Abbott Medical Japan LLC
July 27 , Saturday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 7
uncaging the vessel to lower risk of events
Chair: | Shigeru Saito | (Shonan Kamakura General Hospital) |
Yuji Ikari | (Tokai University) |
Bioadaptor overview and therapy importance
Speaker: | Pieter Smits | (CERC-European Cardiovascular Research Center) |
Bioadaptor case presentation 2
Speaker: | Teguh Santoso | (Medistra Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia) |
Elixir medical
July 27 , Saturday, 12:20PM - 13:20PM
Room 17
CathWorks FFRangio: Advancing Patient Care Beyond the Number
Moderators: | Hiromasa Otake | (Department of Cardiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) |
Hiroki Ikenaga | (Hiroshima University Hospital) |
From Angiograms to Insights - The Science Behind FFRangio
Presenter: | William Fearon | (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA) |
How to utilize FFRangio in routine clinical practice! Present status in Japan
Presenter: | Hitoshi Matsuo | (Gifu Heart Center) |
Can physiology guided revascularization reduce myocardial infarction?
Outcome results from International FFRangio Registry
Presenter: | Yuetsu Kikuta | (Fukuyama Cardiovascular Hospital) |
Commentator: | Takuya Mizukami | (SHOWA University) |
CathWorks Japan GK / Medtoronic Japan CO., LTD.