Nikolaos Sofikitis
(Chair of The European Section of Andrological Urology of The European Association of Urology, USA/ Ioannina University School of Medicine, Greece)
開催形式の変更に伴い、一部 現地参加 マークのついている海外演者以外はWeb参加となります。
Damien Bolton
(Société Internationale d’Urologie Treasurer/ University of Melbourne, Australia)
Christopher Chapple
(European Association of Urology/ Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
John D. Denstedt
(American Urological Association/ The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Martin E. Gleave
(University of British Columbia/ Vancouver Prostate Centre, Canada)
Khurshid A. Guru
(Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA)
Jun Hyuk Hong
(University of Ulsan, Korea)
Sae Woong Kim
(Seoul St. Mary's Hospital/ Catholic University Medical College (CUMC), Korea)
Christian Kollmannsberger
(BC Cancer Vancouver Center/ University of British Columbia, Canada)
Sanjay Kulkarni
(Société Internationale d’Urologie President/ Centre for Reconstructive Urology, India)
Rajeev Kumar
(All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India)
Dolores J. Lamb
(Weill Cornell Medical College/ Past President, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, USA)
Kyu-Sung Lee
(Samsung Medical Center/ Korean Urological Association, Korea)
Seung-Ju Lee
(St. Vincent's Hospital The Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
Young Goo Lee
(Hanlym University, Korea)
Francisco Martins
(University of Lisbon School of Medicine/ Hospital de Santa Maria, Portugal)
Bradley McGregor
(Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology Dona Farber Cancer Institute, USA)
Du Geon Moon
(President of Korea Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology/ Secretary General of Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine, Korea)
Yeong-Shiau Pu
(National Taiwan University School of Medicine/ President, Taiwan Urological Association, Taiwan)
Koon Ho Rha
(Yonsei Robotic and MIS Center/ Yonsei University Health System, Korea)
Seongil Seo
(Samsung Medical Center, Korea)
Aseem R. Shukla
(Assistant Secretary of Education and Research for the American Urological Association/ Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Eric J. Small
(University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Nikolaos Sofikitis
(Chair of The European Section of Andrological Urology of The European Association of Urology, USA/ Ioannina University School of Medicine, Greece)
Yung Khan Tan
(Urohealth Medical Clinic, Singapore)
Bertrand Tombal
(Université Catholique de Louvain/ Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, Belgium)
Wen-Jeng Wu
(Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan)
Ronald de Wit
(Department Medical Oncology,
Division Lead Genito-Urinary Clinical Research,
Erasmus MC Cancer Institute,
Rotterdam, Netherlands)
© 2020 The 108th Annual Meeting
of the Japanese Urological Association.