A Photo session titled "Mycoses Insights and Fungal Portraits: A Journey Through Medical Mycology" will be held.

This session is organized by Professor Koichi Makimura, Teikyo University, and it aims to showcase the fascinating world of medical mycology, ranging from clinical manifestations to microscopic images of fungi. We invite digital images accompanied with brief descriptions which capture the essence of medical mycology. The selected works will be displayed during the conference and subjected to a vote in recognition for outstanding contributions.

Photo Session Submission Schedule

  • Photo session Submission Starts:
    April 1st, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
  • Photo session Submission Deadline:
    May 31st, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)

    Deadline for Revision: June 14th, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)

    Final Deadline: June 30th, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)

    Submission has been closed.

Submission Guidelines


Submissions must include titles in English, not exceeding 20 words, that appropriately describes the photographs.

Digital Image

Images should be of the highest quality, with resolutions of at least 300 dpi. The size should be approximately 1920x1080 pixels and JPEG formats are preferable, ideally with minimal compression, to maintain image quality.


Brief explanatory texts in English, not exceeding 250 words, should accompany the images. These descriptions should provide the contexts and highlight the significance of the images in the realm of medical mycology. Descriptions will be included in the abstract book as an abstract (without photo).

Submission Process

Please send your digital image, title, and description to the Congress Secretariat for APSMM 2024 <> with the E-mail subject as “APSMM 2024 Photo Session”.


Please ensure that the images and descriptions are original and have not been published elsewhere.

Consent and Ethics

As for clinical photographs, necessary patient consents and ethical approvals should be obtained and mentioned in the submission.


The digital images and descriptions will be printed on the poster by the Congress Secretariat and displayed at the venue. Applications are also required by the deadline for participations in the Photo Session. Additionally, applicants are allowed to apply for travel grants.

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