Call for Abstracts
Prior registration is mandatory before abstract submission. Abstracts submitted without prior registration will be invalidated and will be excluded from the program without exception.
Abstract Submission Period
Noon, Tuesday, March 15, 2024 –
Noon, Friday, June 28, 2024 (JST)will be extended to Noon, Wednesday, July 10, 2024 (JST).
Abstract Submission has been closed.
We deeply appreciate for submitting abstracts.
Call for Abstracts
- ISFP2024 accepts abstracts for Oral / Poster Presentations.
- The Oral and Poster presentation will be given and held on-site.
- Please select the abstracts category from the list below.
Abstract submissions for ISFP2024 are welcome in the following topics
01 | Oocyte cryopreservation |
02 | Ovarian tissue cryopreservation |
03 | Sperm cryopreservation |
04 | Testicular tissue cryopreservation |
05 | Fertility preservation for Child |
06 | IVM/IVG |
07 | Poor responders |
08 | Andrology |
09 | Cancer treatment and Ovarian function / Ovarian protection |
10 | Breast cancer related |
11 | Blood cancer related |
12 | Gynecology cancer related |
13 | Male cancer related |
14 | Other cancers related |
15 | Fertility preservation for benign disease |
16 | Basic research |
17 | New technology |
18 | Nursing |
19 | Psychological and social supports |
20 | Genetics |
21 | Others |
Abstract Submission
We accept abstracts submitted online only through the submission system.
You may enter the submission page from “Abstract Submission” button at the bottom of this page.
- Author information and abstracts must be submitted in English.
- There is a limit of two contributed submissions per registered author.
- Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in your text. Example: HEA (Higher Education Area), before being used as an abbreviation only. Please, do not define or use abbreviations in the title.
- Abstract tittle must be up to 50 words.
- Abstracts text must be up to be 300 words.
- The maximum of 20 authors (first author & co-authors) can be registered.
- The maximum of 20 affiliations (including the affiliation of the first author) can be registered.
- Please structure your abstract as follows:
- Background:
- Methods:
- Results:
- Conclusion:
- Any chart or diagram cannot be included.
- It is recommended that you prepare your abstract text by Word / text file in advance, and then copy it on the registration page.
- After completing the abstract submission, the abstract registration ID number and your password will be sent to the first author’s e-mail address. Please be sure to enter the correct e-mail address. Please be sure to keep the ID number and password by yourself. The congress secretariat will NOT keep track of your information.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI)
The presenter (the first author) must disclose the name of any company or for-profit organization related to medicine they have a relationship with.
Ethical Principles for Declaring Ethical Matters of your Abstract
The presenter (the first author) must declare the Ethics for medical research involving human subjects or animal experiments, if any.
Confirmation / Modification / Deletion of Submitted Abstract & Additional Submission
You can access to confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts during the abstract submission period.
The ID number and password will be required to enter the page (confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts).
Acceptance / Rejection Notification
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Peer Review Committee and decided comprehensively based on the study contents, ethical aspects, and etc. You can not choose the presentation style (oral or poster) when you submit an abstract. Please understand that the congress president will make a final decision on the presentation style, presentation session, as well as acceptance/rejection.
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to the first author by email by the middle of September, 2024.
Abstract Submission Page
Confirmation / Modification / Deletion of submitted abstract & Additional submission Page
Inquiries for Abstract Submission
- Congress Secretariat
- c/o Congrès Inc.
- Onward Park Bldg., 3-10-5 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-8276, JAPAN
- E-mail: