Special Lecture
8:00 - 8:40, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Uterine and ovarian transposition
Honorary Lecture 1
8:00 - 9:00, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Ovarian transplantation: lessons from the past to the future
Honorary Lecture 2
8:00 - 9:00, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
From Gosden to ovarian organoids : a long path full of success
President's Lecture
8:00 - 9:00, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
My 18-year journey with ovarian tissue cryopreservation – from an oncologist’s point of view
Session 1
ASFP Session with ISFP: Case Discussion
9:20 - 11:00, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Case 1. Fertility Preservation in Breast Cancer
Case 2. Case Report: Fertility Preservation in a Patient with Endometrial Cancer
Case 3. Fertility preservation in endometriosis
Session 2
9:20 - 11:10, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Understanding of the regulatory mechanisms in human IVM in connection with OTC
Recent data on IVM and its application to Oncofertility
Pre-IVF incubation system to improve quality of eggs for fertility preservation
Effect of local environment on primordial follicle activation
Session 3
Ovarian Tissue Transportation
11:20 - 12:40, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Ovarian tissue transportation
Overnight transport of ovarian tissue for cryopreservation in a central cryobank: a feasible option for standardised and high-quality medical freezing
Safe and secure ovarian tissue transportation in the Human Ovarian-tissue Preservation Enterprise (HOPE)
Session 4
KSFP Session
11:20 - 12:40, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Efficacy of cyst aspiration following dienogest medication of endometrioma for preserving ovarian reserve
Single-cell RNA Sequencing Reveals the Cell-Type-Specific Mechanisms of Ovarian Regeneration in Rat POI Models Treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Effects of PD-1 inhibitor and/or cyclophosphamide on ovarian reserve in murine model
Long-term outcomes of fertility preservation counselling in women of reproductive age with cancer
Effect of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells and platelet rich plasma therapy after hysteroscopy for severe Asherman’s syndrome
Development and alpha testing of decision aid for decision-making of fertility preservation considering cancer patient’s personal values
Effect of Long-term Humanin Treatment on Preventing Age-Related Decline in Oocyte Quality
Session 5
14:10 - 15:10, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
PGT-A testing in Oncofertility: Benefit or Harm?
Importance of genetics in Oncofertility: lesson learn from PGT
Session 6
Ovarian Tissue Transplantaion
15:20 - 16:40, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Lessons learned from the European experience in ovarian tissue transplantation
Effectiveness of ovarian tissue transplantation and available experimental strategies for future improvement
Addressing Unmet Needs in Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation
Session 7
CSFP Session
15:20 - 16:40, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Considerations and thoughts of patients undergoing medical fertility preservation--a new perspective on promoting fertility preservation
Follicular growth after cryopreservation/thawing and activation of children ovarian tissue
Clinical Outcomes of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection with Fresh or Cryopreserved Ejaculated or Surgically Retrieved Sperm
Research of Application and Mechanism of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Ovarian Tissue Transplantation
Ultra-rapid cooling and warming enhanced low-CPA vitrification of ovarian tissues
The Impact of Letrozole on the Ovulation Induction Process and Pregnancy Outcome in Fertility Preservation Patients
Fertility Preservation in Young Breast Cancer Patients: A National Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Breast Surgical Healthcare Providers in China
Session 8
Ovarian Protection
17:00 - 18:00, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Activation or Apoptosis: Combined suppression of intrinsic and extrinsic follicle activation pathways completely prevents cyclophosphamide-induced follicle loss, while DNA damage does not end in oocyte apoptosis
Estimating the effectiveness of GnRHa drugs for ovarian protection during cancer treatment through a RCT including adolescents and adults – Why such a study is needed
Session 9
Oral Session 1
17:00 - 18:20, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Progress in Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation at the Fertility Preservation Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University
An Update of Graft Function and Reproductive Outcomes from Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Graft: Lessons from 46 Women
Insights into how freezing affects follicle development in Human Ovarian Tissues
Mechanism of mitochondrial targeted antioxidant MitoQ promoting angiogenesis after frozen-thawed ovarian tissue transplantation
Nano-curcumin Potentially Ameliorates Hormonal Function and Follicular Counts Following the
Vitrification and Transplantation of Rats Ovarian Tissue
Vitrification and Transplantation of Rats Ovarian Tissue
Exploring the mechanism of Everolimus in inhibiting the activation of primordial follicles to improve the efficiency of human ovarian cortex cryopreservation and resuscitation-transplantation
Session 10
New Technology 1
9:10 - 10:30, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Reconstruction of Ovarian Tissue Incorporating Germ Cell Lineages
Advancements in In Vitro Spermatogenesis
Recent data on IVM and its application to Oncofertility (capacitation-IVM)
Session 11
Benign Disease 1: Gynecological Conditions and Uterus
9:10 - 10:30, Saturday, November 16
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Fertility preservation for the patients with uterine fibroids and adenomyosis
Fertility preservation for patients with endometriosis
Radiotherapy exposure directly damages the uterus and causes pregnancy loss
Session 12
JSFP Session
10:50 - 12:10, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Standardization and sustainable development of onco-fertility network in Japan: The mission of Onco-fertility Consortium Japan
The public subsidy program as a part of the Research Promotion Project led by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
A New Approach to Enhancing Human Resource Development in Fertility Preservation: The JSFP Model
Session 13
Nurse Session
10:50 - 12:10, Saturday, November 16
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
The Role of Nurses in Oncofertility - Current Status in Japan
The Role of Nurses in Oncofertility - Current Status at CCHMC/USA
Experience of fertility preservation nurse coordinator in a large paediatric hospital
Session 14
Clinical Practice
14:00 - 15:50, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Fertility Preservation Practices and Achievements at the Henan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital
IVF characteristics and the molecular luteal features of random start IVF cycles are not different conventional cycles in cancer patients
Progestin-Primed Ovarian Stimulation in Oncofertility
Live birth and maternity outcome in childhood and adolescent cancer survivors under 18 years at diagnosis: a 40-year population-based cohort study
Session 15
Oral Session 2: Best Oral Presentation Finalists
Best Oral Presentation Award Winner
13:40 - 15:40, Saturday, November 16
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Melatonin protects intact rat ovarian transplantation via the MT1/Nrf2/ARE pathway
Oocyte cryopreservation in peripubertal girls with Turner’s syndrome: An Analysis of Molecular and Clinical Reproductive Parameters
Beyond the Cancer: Twenty-Year Analysis of Fertility Preservation Outcomes in Young Women with Cancer
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation in France: data from the GRECOT (Research and study group for ovarian and testicular cryopreservation)
Australian Experience with a National Ovarian and Testicular tissue Transport and Cryopreservation Service (NOTTCS)
eNOS expression in human ovarian tissues after vitrification-thawing and transplantation in different sizes
Inflammatory Signaling is Activated Downstream of Cyclophosphamide Exposure and is Sufficient to Induce Damage to Mouse Ovarian Reserve
AMHR2BP for the prevention of cyclophosphamide (CX)-induced ovarian follicle depletion in mice
Fertility Preservation and Live Birth Using a Gelatin-Methacryloyl-based Bioprosthetic Ovary Mimicking Natural Ovarian Function
Impact of preimplantation genetic testing in number of usable embryos
Ovarian Tissue after Thawing: Metabolic Recovery and Hormonal Effects in Angiogenesis
Session 16
Oral Session 3
16:00 - 17:20, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue in two patients of gyneacologic cancers
Fertility Rescuing by Heathy Ovarian Tissue Graft in Mouse Model of Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Insufficiency
Fertility Preservation in a case of Intravenous Leiomyomatosis
A study of the delivery course in cases of maternal deaths from malignant tumors in Japan
Associations Between Nutrient Intake and Menopausal Age in Korean Women: Findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Evaluating mitochondrial DNA Copy Number for Predicting IVF Outcomes in Euploid Blastocysts
The relationship between nutritional status, DNA damage and metabolites in women with infertility in Malaysia
Macrophage Infiltration and Fibrosis of the Ovaries in Chemotherapy-Induced Ovarian Insufficiency
Session 17
Oral Session 4
16:00 - 17:20, Saturday, November 16
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Letrozole-induced ovulation for endometrial preparation in frozen embryo transfer cycles for women with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia or cancer
IVM on the Patients required Emergent Oocyte Retrieval for Fertility Preservation
Focusing on Time-Lag Post-In Vitro Maturation in Oocyte Tissue Cryopreservation: A Laboratory Perspective
Effects of Prolonged Cryopreservation of Oocytes on Fertilization and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Assessing oncological safety and fertility potential in ovarian cortex surrounding epithelial and early-stage malignant ovarian tumors inpatients of reproductive age
The oncologic and reproductive outcomes after fertility-sparing surgery in gynecological cancers
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Toward Fertility Preservation Among Young Women with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Facing Treatment with Gonadotoxic Agents in Indonesia :A Cross-sectional Study
Session 18
Artificial Ovary
9:00 - 10:20, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Bioengineering an Ovarian Microenvironment Informed by the Human Ovary BioMolecular Atlas
Importance of interactions between human theca -- and granulosa cells in making an artificial ovary
Ex-vivo ovarian perfusion: a new tool in fertility preservation and beyond
Session 19
ASFP Session: Fertility Preservation in Developing Countries
9:00 - 10:20, Sunday, November 17
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Patient’s, HCP’s knowledge, and referral system in fertility preservation
Challenge and opportunities to establish fertility preservation in developing countries
POI and fertility preservation: challenge and opportunities
Session 20
Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation
10:30 - 11:30, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation and Prospects for Future Reproduction
Testicular tissue cryopreservation
Session 21
Benign Disease 2: Turner Syndrome
10:30 - 11:30, Sunday, November 17
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Fertility preservation in young patients with Turner syndrome
A Series of Four Ovary Allotransplants Requiring Immunosuppression
Session 22
Oral Session 5
13:00 - 14:00, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Oncofertility Decisions and psychological State of Female Cancer Patients on Fertility Preservation
Effects of Ovarian Transplantation Site on Ovarian Follicle and Gene Expression
Decision Perceptions and Stress Response of Male Cancer Patients on Urgent Fertility Preservation
Current status of fertility preservation for male young cancer survivors in Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center
Session 23
Oral Session 6
13:00 - 14:00, Sunday, November 17
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Analysis of fertility preservation status in young breast cancer patients
Cell-based Menopausal Hormone Therapy using Injectable Biomimetic Artificial Ovary with Lower Breast Cancer Risk
The step by step video presentation and analysis of the single-port laparoscopic partial ovariectomy for Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation
Application of pump-free microfluidic system utilizing hydrostatic pressure on human cumulus cell culture: A model for long-term in vitro follicle growth
The Significance of Genetic Counseling in Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients
Long term safety of controlled ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation prior to chemotherapy treatment in breast cancer patients
Session 24
Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation
14:10 - 15:30, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Current status and future prospects for ovarian tissue cryopreservation
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation by vitrification system
Achievements over the years on ovarian tissue cryopreservation in your institute including the data regarding recent success of livebirth using ovarian tissue vitrification technology
Session 25
New Technology 2
14:10 - 15:30, Sunday, November 17
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
A microengineered niche for high throughput and high content analysis of organoids
A Spatiotemporal Molecular Atlas of the human ovarian cortex after vitrification-thawing procedure
Hormone autocrination by vascularized hydrogel delivery of ovary spheroids to rescue ovarian dysfunctions
Sponsored Session
Afternoon Seminar
Blood Cancer
14:10 - 15:10, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Preservation of fertility in patients with hematological malignancies
Safe and successful ovarian transplantations post LEUKEMIA after combined various MRD excluding tests
Future novel options for contaminated tissue
Future novel options for contaminated tissue
Luncheon Seminar 1
Improving Ovarian Transplantation and In Vitro Primordial Follicle Growth Outcomes with Cryopreserved Tissue
13:00 - 14:00, Friday, November 15
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Improving Ovarian Transplantation and In Vitro Primordial Follicle Growth Outcomes with Cryopreserved Tissue
Luncheon Seminar 2
Introduction to CAP Reproduction Laboratory Accreditation Program
13:00 - 14:00, Friday, November 15
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Introduction to CAP Reproduction Laboratory Accreditation Program
Luncheon Seminar 3
Cancer Survivorship
12:30 - 13:50, Saturday, November 16
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Fertility issues in cancer patients and survivors - from an oncologist’s perspective
Iatrogenic POI treatment options after cancer
Fertility preservation and infertility treatment in women with very low ovarian reserve
Luncheon Seminar 4
When It Comes to Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Genetics, What Is Best Practice for Patients?
12:30 - 13:30, Saturday, November 16
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Incorporating reproductive genetics into IVF: Carrier screening, PGT-M and PGT-A
Fertility preservation, oocyte vitrification and ovarian tissue cryopreservation
Luncheon Seminar 5
Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation -Bench to Bedside
11:50 - 12:50, Sunday, November 17
- Room 1
- (Hall, 4F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
Technological Development for Fertility Preservation
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation: Bench-to-Bedside
- From an oncological perspective: Practice in pediatric patients -
- From an oncological perspective: Practice in pediatric patients -
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation from the reproductive medicine side
Luncheon Seminar 6
Breast Cancer
11:50 - 12:50, Sunday, November 17
- Room 2
- (Conference Room B, 5F, JP Tower Hall & Conference)
The efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab + chemotherapy in patients with early triple negative breast cancer
Basic Research Results on the Ovarian Toxicity of Immunotherapies